Do you ever find yourself feeling like you are not doing enough? Not enough for yourself… Not enough for your marriage… Not enough for your child(ren)...
Or maybe, even that your partner is not doing enough…
SOOOO, it is not just us, right?
On this episode, Dr. Gertrude Lyons, Master Life Coach, Speaker, Mothering Revolutionary, and Mother of two daughters, joins us to dive deeper into navigating those challenging thoughts and feelings. She shares with us how we can invite our partners to have hard conversations regularly without shutting down. She also shares with us how we can tend to high stress moments (aka what we all like to call Mommy Rage). This episode has so many great tools and practices that help us communicate and connect better as individuals and as a family. Be sure to tune in. 
P.S. Check out Dr. Lyons’s mot(HER) Podcast. mot(HER) Podcast is another wonderful safe space where women share their truths to help support and empower other women. Check it out and listen to amazing the guests featured. We even make our first-ever guest appearance there!
How to connect with Dr. Gertrude Lyons:
Mentioned book by Dr. Lyons: Passionate Marriage by David Schnarch, PhD