Do you need hope on the climate crisis? In this episode of the Mother Earth Podcast, policy expert Bracken Hendricks issues a stirring call to action for Americans to join together in common purpose to solve the climate crisis. And he explains how we can do so using the policies in the Evergreen Action Plan that he and his colleagues recently released.

Bracken was the co-author of the groundbreaking climate plan for Governor Jay Inslee's presidential campaign, which quickly became the go-to plan for all democratic presidential candidates. After Governor Inslee dropped out, Bracken and colleagues released a new version as the Evergreen Action Plan, a comprehensive set of policy solutions for the climate crisis, and made it available to all political candidates at the federal, state and local levels.

In our conversation with Bracken, he explains the key policy pillars of standards-plus-investment-plus-justice of the Evergreen Action Plan. And he inspires us with a vision of America that leads the world into a clean green future, invests in all her people with a broad range of policies to revitalize rural and urban areas, ensures that fossil fuel workers and their communities are not left behind, welcomes everyone into the middle class with good jobs, provides opportunity for young people during an economic crisis, and ensures climate justice for people of color and frontline communities. Yes we can do all this -- tune in to find out how.

And if you want to understand Joe Biden's climate plan and how it stacks up, give a listen to last week's episode with Bracken in which he gives us a candid and insightful assessment of Biden's plan.

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