Aaron, Martina and a late-arriving Kimberly break down a few key Kentucky political news items from the weak that was. For Black History Month ProKY highlights another amazing Kentuckian, civil rights activist Dr. William Turner. Then the team is joined by State Senator Reggie Thomas who fills them in on the events of the day in the Senate (between aisles at Meijier). Unfortunately, it's not great news for those who want to fund a more compassionate commonwealth. We end with a chance for a positive, proactive effort to show #KYGA23 how much we LOVE democracy in our Call to Action!

News of the Weak:






Kentucky Black History: Civil Rights Activist William H. Turner


Interview: Sen. Reggie Thomas


Call to Action: We LOVE Voting Rights Day - Feb. 14 in Frankfort!

Show up to show your support for legislative action to restore voting rights to Kentuckians with felonies in their past. For more details and to RSVP head here: https://www.mobilize.us/kftc/event/500924/

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