Aaron, Kimberly and Chris discuss the tragedy in Louisville, and WTAF concerned folks can do about gun violence in Kentucky. We'll be speaking with Cathy Hobart, Frankfort lead for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, who will share her organization's take on the 2023 General Assembly's actions on gun laws. The episode closes with a returning guest in the campaign corner, Robert Sainte - who is in the heat of his campaign for a special election for senate district 28 - and Robert lets us know what YOU can do to support his efforts to add more common sense to Frankfort.







INTERVIEW: Cathy Hobart, Frankfort Lead, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America

Text "Ready" to 64433 to support gun safety action

CAMPAIGN CORNER: Robert Sainte, candidate for KY Senate District 28

Canvass!! https://www.mobilize.us/kydems/event/551859/

Donate! https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sainte-for-senate-1

Count down to May 16th! https://bit.ly/May16Election

#ProgressKentucky - #ColonelsOfTruth

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Episode 108 was produced by Nate Orshan

Theme music from the amazing Nato - hear more at http://www.NatoSongs.com

Logo and some graphic design provided by www.couchfiremedia.com