Aaron, Kimberly and Chris cover breaking Kentucky political news, connect with the new chair of the Kentucky High School Democrats in the Campaign Corner, then interview the Rev. Shirley Harrington, long-time federal official from the US Department of Veterans Affairs and the US Department of Agriculture to discuss the federal role in expanding opportunity and equality in the nation.


News of the Weak:



CAMPAIGN CORNER: Kentucky High School Dems - Parker Williams, Interim Chair



INTERVIEW: Rev. Shirley Harrington, civil rights activist, long-time federal official, labor leader and author, "Grown @13"


CALL TO ACTION: Take our survey! Give us your views and work with us to expand the voter support for Andy and our great slate of state-wide candidates!


#ProgressKentucky - #ColonelsOfTruth

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Episode 118 was produced by Annable Nagel

Theme music from the amazing Nato - hear more at http://www.NatoSongs.com

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