In the sermon "Set Free From Religion," guest preacher Pastor Josh Underbakke examines the concept of religious freedom through the teachings of Christ and cautions against dependence on religious practices for salvation.

The sermon discusses a division between early church leaders Peter and Paul, brought about by religious traditions and societal pressure. Pastor Josh emphasizes that these divisions can deter Christians from the freedom in Christ and the capacity to love unconditionally regardless of religious background.

Underbakke uses Peter's story from Galatians to illustrate a conflict between religious obligation and Christ's freedom. Highlighting the dangers of religious practices taking precedent over genuine love and acceptance, he argues that religion and traditions can cause division and hypocrisy. Yet, through Jesus, believers are freed from these burdens and granted unity.

Referencing both Galatians 2:16 and Ephesians 2:8-9, Pastor Josh underscores that faith in Jesus, not the law, justifies people before God and that salvation is a free gift from God, unattainable by works. The sermon ends with a call to adopt the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and to find satisfaction in a relationship with Christ rather than religious practices.