In his sermon "Letting Go of What You Know", Pastor Erik Lindeen explores the concept of surrendering our preconceived notions and habitual behaviors to better align with God's plan.

He opens with the recognition that our understanding of something often changes after firsthand experience. He suggests that in order to progress, it's necessary to relinquish preexisting knowledge or behaviors, citing instances from sports, job changes, and personal relationships.

Moreover, drawing parallels from the apostle Paul's teaching in Galatians, Lindeen insists on letting go of cultural rituals and focusing on Christ's message of salvation solely through faith, an idea that may seem alien to the world but is at the heart of Christianity. Using the nativity scene, he explains how the purpose of Jesus' birth, evident in the cradle, signifies his ultimate journey to the cross.

It's through narratives like these and pop culture references like "A Charlie Brown Christmas," that Lindeen illustrates the concept of relinquishing our 'security blankets' for the enrichment found in Christ. To make his sermon relatable, Lindeen urges the congregation to reflect upon what they could let go and replace with Christ's assurance. He emphasizes that peace is not the absence of hardship; rather, it's derived from trust and reconciliation with Christ.

He concludes by inviting the congregation to converse with God about their reservations and surrender these at the cross, reiterating the need for steadiness in faith and finding peace through God. He prays for the congregation's receptiveness to God's presence and the courage to act based on His revelations.