Previous Episode: Prophet
Next Episode: Biblical Story

In the final week of the “Jesus True and Better” series, we look at the office of king. While given power and authority, the kings of Israel fell woefully short of their call to lead, steward, and protect the people of God.
Christ, however, came as a suffering servant and established his kingdom of enduring love through the cross. And one day, this King of kings will return to rule and reign with justice and righteousness, bringing eternal life to his people.

In the final week of the “Jesus True and Better” series, we look at the office of king. While given power and authority, the kings of Israel fell woefully short of their call to lead, steward, and protect the people of God.

Christ, however, came as a suffering servant and established his kingdom of enduring love through the cross. And one day, this King of kings will return to rule and reign with justice and righteousness, bringing eternal life to his people.