Let all remembrance be forgot and never brought to mind.” These words often ring in the new year ring, and true in how most of us feel about 2020! We all know how difficult this year has truly been, and for some more than others, but we’ve all been impacted by how 2020 has shaped up. And most of us would like to get to 2021 as soon as possible! But why are we excited to turn the page on the calendar? What will be different? Are we hoping for a new year with better circumstances? This is a trap, and the gospel sets us free from it and invites us into a better story!

Let all remembrance be forgot and never brought to mind.” These words often ring in the new year ring, and true in how most of us feel about 2020! We all know how difficult this year has truly been, and for some more than others, but we’ve all been impacted by how 2020 has shaped up. And most of us would like to get to 2021 as soon as possible! But why are we excited to turn the page on the calendar? What will be different? Are we hoping for a new year with better circumstances? This is a trap, and the gospel sets us free from it and invites us into a better story!