The gospel is the revealed mystery of how God, through the sacrifice of His one and only son, has conquered sin and death to liberate us from the emptiness of its suffocating clutches.
The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has broken the back of darkness and given us an open invitation into a never-ending Kingdom of light, where we get to share wholly in the grand story of God restoring the world to Himself for his glory. In this good news, we have life that cannot be lost or destroyed.

The gospel is the revealed mystery of how God, through the sacrifice of His one and only son, has conquered sin and death to liberate us from the emptiness of its suffocating clutches.

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus has broken the back of darkness and given us an open invitation into a never-ending Kingdom of light, where we get to share wholly in the grand story of God restoring the world to Himself for his glory. In this good news, we have life that cannot be lost or destroyed.