Previous Episode: Ephesians 4:15-16
Next Episode: Ephesians 4:25-28

Our own way of thinking and living, outside of Christ, leads to death and destruction. And as we’ve probably all found, the tide of the world can pull us out to the waves of our own fearful whims, temporary idols, and limited conclusions.
This is why Paul calls us to renew our minds, becoming like Christ. In this passage, he calls us to consume less of what the limited world has to offer and more of what the unlimited God has to fulfill us. Through this, He crafts us into renewed men and women, brimming with life.

Our own way of thinking and living, outside of Christ, leads to death and destruction. And as we’ve probably all found, the tide of the world can pull us out to the waves of our own fearful whims, temporary idols, and limited conclusions.

This is why Paul calls us to renew our minds, becoming like Christ. In this passage, he calls us to consume less of what the limited world has to offer and more of what the unlimited God has to fulfill us. Through this, He crafts us into renewed men and women, brimming with life.