Regrettably the first part of this episode has been lost. However, the second half is delightful and not to hard…

Regrettably the first part of this episode has been lost. However, the second half is delightful and not to hard to catch up on.

Neverwinter has fallen asleep and their dreams have come to life.  Morty’s Devils need to investigate the Badgley Residence in the Neverdeath Graveyards and wake up those they can, and put to rest those responsible.


@kwiksotic as Kip the surfer dude tiefling

@TheFennecWolf as Malancholy the
bespectacled tiefling Cleric/Bard.

@OGBRownSugar as Apollyon the armor encased
tiefling Barbarian/Fighter

And as always

as the Dungeon Master

This episode is a parody of the 1986
episode of The Real Ghostbusters “A Dream come True” by Michael J. Straczynski
revised and re-imagined for Dungeons and Dragons 5e by Richard A. Dresden and
Kyle Gould

Find out more at

Our theme song is Let the Night Fall by
Dragonette.  You can find this song and
Dragonette’s discology on iTunes, or follow them on twitter @dragonette

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