How many flights do you take each year? Travel by air is something we generally do without thinking of our carbon footprint. But should it be more top of mind? 

A British woman is named Anna Hughes hasn’t flown in 10 years. And she is asking others to do the same. She has started a campaign called Flight Free 2020, which is asking people to pledge they will not step foot on an airplane in the year 2020. 

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor

How many flights do you take each year? Travel by air is something we generally do without thinking of our carbon footprint. But should it be more top of mind? 

A British woman is named Anna Hughes hasn’t flown in 10 years. And she is asking others to do the same. She has started a campaign called Flight Free 2020, which is asking people to pledge they will not step foot on an airplane in the year 2020. 

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor