It was a debate that at times was testy and featured lots of mudslinging and cross-talk from the leaders, all refusing to give an inch.

But Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau took the brunt of the criticism and the incumbent had to fight hard to defend his Liberal government's track record. 

With the debate behind them, the leaders are fanning out on the campaign trail this morning.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau will be talking about climate change during a visit to Iqaluit before flying back to Toronto.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer and New Democrat Jagmeet Singh are spending the day in Toronto, where both parties are hoping to take seats from the Liberals.

Green Leader Elizabeth May is campaigning in Montreal today. 

Guest: Dawna Freisen

Federal Leaders’ Debate moderator

Anchor and Executive Editor of Global National

It was a debate that at times was testy and featured lots of mudslinging and cross-talk from the leaders, all refusing to give an inch.

But Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau took the brunt of the criticism and the incumbent had to fight hard to defend his Liberal government's track record. 

With the debate behind them, the leaders are fanning out on the campaign trail this morning.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau will be talking about climate change during a visit to Iqaluit before flying back to Toronto.

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer and New Democrat Jagmeet Singh are spending the day in Toronto, where both parties are hoping to take seats from the Liberals.

Green Leader Elizabeth May is campaigning in Montreal today. 

Guest: Dawna Freisen

Federal Leaders’ Debate moderator

Anchor and Executive Editor of Global National