Next Episode: BC Budget Breakdown

We’ve all witnessed one, if not been a part of one … a twitter storm.  The rather benign posting that suddenly turns to a crazy back and for that can sometimes leave the most innocent of posters feeling gaslit.  There are trolls, and then there are bullies.  The prior are often just out to muddy a matter …. The latter is more about tossing grenades, with little back up, and then pivoting to generalizations and whataboutism to avoid any fact-check on their “hot take”.  To talk us through a few DO’s AND DON’Ts for your social media “digital citizenship”........WE welcome Jesse Miller of Mediated Reality back to the show. 


Guest: Jesse Miller

Mediated Reality.
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We’ve all witnessed one, if not been a part of one … a twitter storm.  The rather benign posting that suddenly turns to a crazy back and for that can sometimes leave the most innocent of posters feeling gaslit.  There are trolls, and then there are bullies.  The prior are often just out to muddy a matter …. The latter is more about tossing grenades, with little back up, and then pivoting to generalizations and whataboutism to avoid any fact-check on their “hot take”.  To talk us through a few DO’s AND DON’Ts for your social media “digital citizenship”........WE welcome Jesse Miller of Mediated Reality back to the show. 


Guest: Jesse Miller

Mediated Reality.

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