Gas is at a record high in BC, right now motorists are paying $1.63.9 a litre, and the Premier is looking to help. But what can the province actually do?

John Horgan announced yesterday that his government will look for ways to reduce gas prices if they continue to rise. But in terms of why gas prices are so high, Horgan asks the public not to point a finger at legislature.

Horgan mentions that his government has only drove up gas prices by two cents in the past year and a half, the rest can be chalked up to the market. Right now, almost 34 cents of every litre of gas purchased in Metro Vancouver goes to provincial coffers.

So, if the government doesn’t have much control over how much gas companies are charging, what can be done to lower them?

Guest: Stewart Prest

Political Scientist at Simon Fraser University

Gas is at a record high in BC, right now motorists are paying $1.63.9 a litre, and the Premier is looking to help. But what can the province actually do?

John Horgan announced yesterday that his government will look for ways to reduce gas prices if they continue to rise. But in terms of why gas prices are so high, Horgan asks the public not to point a finger at legislature.

Horgan mentions that his government has only drove up gas prices by two cents in the past year and a half, the rest can be chalked up to the market. Right now, almost 34 cents of every litre of gas purchased in Metro Vancouver goes to provincial coffers.

So, if the government doesn’t have much control over how much gas companies are charging, what can be done to lower them?

Guest: Stewart Prest

Political Scientist at Simon Fraser University