It was a four-week Alberta election campaign that some described as the most divisive in recent memory. And it all comes to an end tonight.

It’s election day in Alberta and voters will finally find out who will lead the province for the next four years. Polls in the province are open until 7pm Pacific Time, and results are expected to start trickling in shortly after the polls close.

Global News will have comprehensive coverage across all platforms: online, on TV and on Charles Adler Tonight and the Shift with Drex.

Guest: David Akin

Chief Political Correspondent, Global News

It was a four-week Alberta election campaign that some described as the most divisive in recent memory. And it all comes to an end tonight.

It’s election day in Alberta and voters will finally find out who will lead the province for the next four years. Polls in the province are open until 7pm Pacific Time, and results are expected to start trickling in shortly after the polls close.

Global News will have comprehensive coverage across all platforms: online, on TV and on Charles Adler Tonight and the Shift with Drex.

Guest: David Akin

Chief Political Correspondent, Global News