A new agreement has been reached allowing the Vancouver Taxi Association to use a percentage of its new licenses to launch its own version of ride hailin. It means that Kater is set to become the first ridesharing company to operate in B.C.

Earlier, Uber Canada's general manager of cities, Michael Van Hemmen, told the Simi Sara Show, that rides on the Kater app will still have to follow all the rules of regular taxis - and that’s not what the public wants.


Guest: Ian Tostenson

Spokesperson for Ridesharing NOW for BC

President and CEO of the BC Restaurant & Food Services Association

A new agreement has been reached allowing the Vancouver Taxi Association to use a percentage of its new licenses to launch its own version of ride hailin. It means that Kater is set to become the first ridesharing company to operate in B.C.

Earlier, Uber Canada's general manager of cities, Michael Van Hemmen, told the Simi Sara Show, that rides on the Kater app will still have to follow all the rules of regular taxis - and that’s not what the public wants.


Guest: Ian Tostenson

Spokesperson for Ridesharing NOW for BC

President and CEO of the BC Restaurant & Food Services Association