It seems as though golfing greens in Vancouver may be running their course.

Park board commissioner Dave Demers has added a motion on next Monday’s agenda meeting to “evaluate the realized and unrealized benefits of park board land currently used for golf”. The motion points out that usage of golf land has been declining at the three 18-hole courses owned by the Vancouver Park Board. The courses take up about 15 percent of all land under park board jurisdiction.

Demers doesn’t want to speculate on what kinds of alternate uses could be considered for some of the city-owned land currently occupied by golf courses, but he emphasizes that it should be used only for park-and-recreation uses, and not converted to other purposes like housing.

Guest: Dave Demers

Vice Chair of the Vancouver Park Board

It seems as though golfing greens in Vancouver may be running their course.

Park board commissioner Dave Demers has added a motion on next Monday’s agenda meeting to “evaluate the realized and unrealized benefits of park board land currently used for golf”. The motion points out that usage of golf land has been declining at the three 18-hole courses owned by the Vancouver Park Board. The courses take up about 15 percent of all land under park board jurisdiction.

Demers doesn’t want to speculate on what kinds of alternate uses could be considered for some of the city-owned land currently occupied by golf courses, but he emphasizes that it should be used only for park-and-recreation uses, and not converted to other purposes like housing.

Guest: Dave Demers

Vice Chair of the Vancouver Park Board