Vancouver city council has debated a number of recommendations on the future of Prior Street - the narrow road that connects to the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts from East Vancouver and is used as an arterial route.

Councillors voted to support the construction of an underpass at the Burrard Inlet Rail Line, allowing the road to continue feeding area traffic into downtown once the viaducts are removed and the new St. Paul’s Hospital is built.

But council also backed staff’s suggestion to downgrade Prior to a collector street with a 30 km/h speed limit alongside Strathcona Park.

Guest: Pete Fry

Vancouver City Councillor

Vancouver city council has debated a number of recommendations on the future of Prior Street - the narrow road that connects to the Georgia and Dunsmuir viaducts from East Vancouver and is used as an arterial route.

Councillors voted to support the construction of an underpass at the Burrard Inlet Rail Line, allowing the road to continue feeding area traffic into downtown once the viaducts are removed and the new St. Paul’s Hospital is built.

But council also backed staff’s suggestion to downgrade Prior to a collector street with a 30 km/h speed limit alongside Strathcona Park.

Guest: Pete Fry

Vancouver City Councillor