Things on the Granville Street Bridge could get a whole lot tighter for motorists, and a whole lot nicer for pedestrians, if a new city report is approved by council.

The report suggests the number of car lanes on the bridge could be cut in half, turning the 4 centre lanes into an accessible walking and bicycle path.

It updates an earlier proposal that would have taken away just 2 of the centre lanes.

The report says the bridge was meant to connect to "high-volume freeways" that were never built, resulting in the lanes being under-used.

The report goes to City Council next Wednesday.

Guest: Lesli Boldt

President of Boldt Communications Inc

Supports the new bike and pedestrian pathway on Granville Bridge

Things on the Granville Street Bridge could get a whole lot tighter for motorists, and a whole lot nicer for pedestrians, if a new city report is approved by council.

The report suggests the number of car lanes on the bridge could be cut in half, turning the 4 centre lanes into an accessible walking and bicycle path.

It updates an earlier proposal that would have taken away just 2 of the centre lanes.

The report says the bridge was meant to connect to "high-volume freeways" that were never built, resulting in the lanes being under-used.

The report goes to City Council next Wednesday.

Guest: Lesli Boldt

President of Boldt Communications Inc

Supports the new bike and pedestrian pathway on Granville Bridge