The Vancouver headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church is calling it a "worldwide crisis" of sexual abuse by priests, and they're releasing 31 recommendations to address it.

Some of the recommendations put forward include the Archdiocese setting up an Intake Office for complaints, and a review board to determine if an allegation is credible.

Archbishop Michael Miller says the brutality of the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults affects every corner of society.

He says it's taken the Catholic Church around the world too long to address the devastating consequences.


Guest: Melissa Godbout 

Archdiocese of Vancouver spokesperson

The Vancouver headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church is calling it a "worldwide crisis" of sexual abuse by priests, and they're releasing 31 recommendations to address it.

Some of the recommendations put forward include the Archdiocese setting up an Intake Office for complaints, and a review board to determine if an allegation is credible.

Archbishop Michael Miller says the brutality of the sexual abuse of minors and vulnerable adults affects every corner of society.

He says it's taken the Catholic Church around the world too long to address the devastating consequences.


Guest: Melissa Godbout 

Archdiocese of Vancouver spokesperson