Overlap with your travel partner

Your whole medicine cabinet

Too much workout gear

More than two bathing suits

Unnecessary formal wear

A hairdryer




Puerto Vallarta, MX

Nov 22 - Dec 11

Air & 7 nights in a beachfront all-inclusive resort

$799 + $449 tax (1248)


Phuket, Thailand

Nov 1/19 - Oct 22/20

Air, 12 nights hotel, breakfast daily, city tour & transfers

$1299 + $530 tax (1829)


Greek Isles, Italy & Monaco

Nov 20

Air, 11 night cruise, 1 night hotel & transfers

$1899 + $898 tax (2797)


Guest: Claire Newell 

President and Founder of Travel Best Bets

Overlap with your travel partner
Your whole medicine cabinet
Too much workout gear
More than two bathing suits
Unnecessary formal wear
A hairdryer




Puerto Vallarta, MX

Nov 22 - Dec 11

Air & 7 nights in a beachfront all-inclusive resort

$799 + $449 tax (1248)


Phuket, Thailand

Nov 1/19 - Oct 22/20

Air, 12 nights hotel, breakfast daily, city tour & transfers

$1299 + $530 tax (1829)


Greek Isles, Italy & Monaco

Nov 20

Air, 11 night cruise, 1 night hotel & transfers

$1899 + $898 tax (2797)


Guest: Claire Newell 

President and Founder of Travel Best Bets