If you live anywhere in the lower mainland, you have probably seen a coyote somewhere where it shouldn’t be! What should you do if you see coyote? Is it possible to relocate coyotes once they are spotted in the area? Madeline Irving-Chan is the Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society, and she joins us to answer all our questions…


Guest: Madeline Irving-Chan

Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society

If you live anywhere in the lower mainland, you have probably seen a coyote somewhere where it shouldn’t be! What should you do if you see coyote? Is it possible to relocate coyotes once they are spotted in the area? Madeline Irving-Chan is the Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society, and she joins us to answer all our questions…


Guest: Madeline Irving-Chan

Coexisting with coyotes coordinator with the Stanley Park Ecology Society