Three more horses have been euthanized at the Calgary Stampede, following another collision during the much-maligned chuck wagon races. 

The deaths increase the number of horses that have had to be put down this year as a direct result of the chuck wagon races to six. 

Stampede CEO Warren Connell says that they are going to be reviewing the safety and best practices of the chuckwagon events before the competition is set to return next year. 

So what’s going to happen with the event next year? How should the Stampede react in potentially changing the formats of the races, or banning them altogether?

Guest: Rebeka Breder

Animal law lawyer with the Breder Law Corporation

Three more horses have been euthanized at the Calgary Stampede, following another collision during the much-maligned chuck wagon races. 

The deaths increase the number of horses that have had to be put down this year as a direct result of the chuck wagon races to six. 

Stampede CEO Warren Connell says that they are going to be reviewing the safety and best practices of the chuckwagon events before the competition is set to return next year. 

So what’s going to happen with the event next year? How should the Stampede react in potentially changing the formats of the races, or banning them altogether?

Guest: Rebeka Breder

Animal law lawyer with the Breder Law Corporation