Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @MikeSmythNews's 🔥 question of the day: 164 lots of unused public land in BC, worth around $1 billion, have been sold off since 2013. The deals included former schools, hospitals, and agricultural ground.

What do you think should be done with unused public land? #bcpoli

Sell it and get revenue

Retain and develop it


Chapter 2

Federal Oceans Minister responds to criticism of Trans Mountain approval

And now the sales pitch begins.

Two federal cabinet ministers are making appearances in Alberta today following the Trudeau government's controversial second approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi is set to visit the Trans Mountain terminal in Edmonton, while Finance Minister Bill Morneau will address an Economic Club of Canada breakfast in Calgary.

Meanwhile, Conservative Leader, Andrew Scheer, says Canadians wanted more information on when construction on the pipeline expansion will actually begin.

Guest: Jonathan Wilkinson

Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard


Chapter 3

$1 billion in "surplus" public land has been sold off since 2013

164 lots of unused public land in BC, worth around $1 billion, have been sold off since 2013. The deals included former schools, hospitals, and agricultural ground.

But is this the most appropriate use of “surplus” land? We’ll find out what was sold and to whom.

Guest: Lori Culbert

Reporter for the Vancouver Sun


Chapter 4

Should cyclists have the option on whether or not they wear helmets

Around this time yesterday, I spoke with Susan Stokhof, the “bicycle mayor” of Victoria. During the interview, Stokhof said that she thinks that helmets should not be mandatory. Here’s what she told me.

That sparked a LOT of conversation on our buzzline, by email, and on Twitter. Plenty of comments agreeing with Stokhof but most people who made contact with us were not in agreement.

Guest: Dr Shelina Babul

Spokesperson, The Community Against Preventable Injuries


Chapter 5

Why are vegetables so expensive?

The annual pace of inflation picked up in May as the consumer price index rose 2.4% from last year.

One of the most startling figures was the increase in the price of vegetables, which is up 16.7%. So why are vegetables suddenly becoming so expensive?

Guest: Prof Simon Somogyi

Arrell Chair in the Business of Food at the University of Guelph


Chapter 6

Will BC launch fresh court challenges against the Trans Mountain pipeline?

The President and CEO of Trans Mountain is anticipating work beginning soon on expanding the pipeline after yesterday's federal government approval of the project.

Ian Anderson says they will work with the National Energy Board to get permits and licenses to resume work and he anticipates that process will happen quickly.

In the House of Commons this past hour, the Prime Minister defended the decision to approve the pipeline and the Liberals’ record on the environment

Guest: George Heyman

BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy


Chapter 7

Seniors paying up to 40% of income for one or two hours of daily home care: BC Seniors Advocate

BC's Senior Advocate says at-home care needs to be much more affordable for seniors.

In a new report, Isobel Mackenzie says seniors are paying up to 40 per cent of their income for one-to-two hours of care at home per day.

Mackenzie says as a result there are 4,200 seniors in long-term care who could be living at home, and she suggests that is costing B.C. taxpayers more than $116 million dollars per year.

She also says at-home care is precarious for workers, who often work casual and part-time.

Guest: Isobel Mckenzie

Seniors Advocate for British Columbia

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @MikeSmythNews's 🔥 question of the day: 164 lots of unused public land in BC, worth around $1 billion, have been sold off since 2013. The deals included former schools, hospitals, and agricultural ground.

What do you think should be done with unused public land? #bcpoli

Sell it and get revenue
Retain and develop it


Chapter 2

Federal Oceans Minister responds to criticism of Trans Mountain approval

And now the sales pitch begins.

Two federal cabinet ministers are making appearances in Alberta today following the Trudeau government's controversial second approval of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion.

Natural Resources Minister Amarjeet Sohi is set to visit the Trans Mountain terminal in Edmonton, while Finance Minister Bill Morneau will address an Economic Club of Canada breakfast in Calgary.

Meanwhile, Conservative Leader, Andrew Scheer, says Canadians wanted more information on when construction on the pipeline expansion will actually begin.

Guest: Jonathan Wilkinson

Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard


Chapter 3

$1 billion in "surplus" public land has been sold off since 2013

164 lots of unused public land in BC, worth around $1 billion, have been sold off since 2013. The deals included former schools, hospitals, and agricultural ground.

But is this the most appropriate use of “surplus” land? We’ll find out what was sold and to whom.

Guest: Lori Culbert

Reporter for the Vancouver Sun


Chapter 4

Should cyclists have the option on whether or not they wear helmets

Around this time yesterday, I spoke with Susan Stokhof, the “bicycle mayor” of Victoria. During the interview, Stokhof said that she thinks that helmets should not be mandatory. Here’s what she told me.

That sparked a LOT of conversation on our buzzline, by email, and on Twitter. Plenty of comments agreeing with Stokhof but most people who made contact with us were not in agreement.

Guest: Dr Shelina Babul

Spokesperson, The Community Against Preventable Injuries


Chapter 5

Why are vegetables so expensive?

The annual pace of inflation picked up in May as the consumer price index rose 2.4% from last year.

One of the most startling figures was the increase in the price of vegetables, which is up 16.7%. So why are vegetables suddenly becoming so expensive?

Guest: Prof Simon Somogyi

Arrell Chair in the Business of Food at the University of Guelph


Chapter 6

Will BC launch fresh court challenges against the Trans Mountain pipeline?

The President and CEO of Trans Mountain is anticipating work beginning soon on expanding the pipeline after yesterday's federal government approval of the project.

Ian Anderson says they will work with the National Energy Board to get permits and licenses to resume work and he anticipates that process will happen quickly.

In the House of Commons this past hour, the Prime Minister defended the decision to approve the pipeline and the Liberals’ record on the environment

Guest: George Heyman

BC Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy


Chapter 7

Seniors paying up to 40% of income for one or two hours of daily home care: BC Seniors Advocate

BC's Senior Advocate says at-home care needs to be much more affordable for seniors.

In a new report, Isobel Mackenzie says seniors are paying up to 40 per cent of their income for one-to-two hours of care at home per day.

Mackenzie says as a result there are 4,200 seniors in long-term care who could be living at home, and she suggests that is costing B.C. taxpayers more than $116 million dollars per year.

She also says at-home care is precarious for workers, who often work casual and part-time.

Guest: Isobel Mckenzie

Seniors Advocate for British Columbia