Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: a mom has attracted comments online because she let her 10-year-old skip school for a mental health day. Have you ever taken a ‘mental health’ day off work or school?

Yes, I needed the day.

No, I never have.


Chapter 2

Darryl Plecas speaks to the Simi Sara Show

It’s a little over two weeks since Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Darryl Plecas, released his bombshell report that alleged a litany of extravagant and flagrant overspending by staff at the BC Legislature.

Sergeant-at-Arms, Gary Lenz, and Clerk of the House, Craig James, have not been charged with any crime and have denied all wrongdoing. They have until tomorrow to respond to the Legislative Assembly Management Committee, and we may learn their response in public then.

Now, in his first broadcast interview since the publication of that report, Darryl Plecas spoke to us on the Simi Sara Show this morning just before we came on-air. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Darryl Plecas

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter


Chapter 3

Quadriga case shines spotlight on cryptocurrency regulations

Canada's largest crypto-currency exchange is dealing with the fallout from its founder's death. A Halifax court heard yesterday about difficulties accessing 180-million dollars in digital assets believed to be locked in Gerald Cotten's laptop.

The sole director of the trading platform Quadriga C-X was travelling in India December 9th when he died suddenly from Crohn's disease complications. His wife says she has searched their home in Fall River, Nova Scotia and has been unable to find any passwords or business records.(

So how could this have happened, and what regulations should government be considering to avoid something similar happening in future?

Guest: Daniel Fuke

Lawyer at the Fasken Martineau DuMoulin law firm, who advises cryptocurrency companies


Chapter 4

Would you let your child skip school for a mental health day?

Parents are quite familiar with snow days and sick days, but one mom has been attracting some attention online, because she detailed in a blog for the CBC that she allowed her 10-year-old daughter to take a mental-health day.

Since then, she allows all three of her children to take one day off in the school year for their mental health, no questions asked.

Is this something that more parents should be considering? And how do you make sure that it’s something your kids need?

Guest: Julie Romanowski

Early childhood consultant from Miss Behaviour in Victoria, B.C


Chapter 5

Key figures from BC’s black history celebrated this February

Guest: Silvia Mangue

President of the BC Black History Awareness Society


Chapter 6

Advice for parents on national Eating Disorder Awareness Week

This week is national Eating Disorder Awareness Week, a week of action to highlight that many Canadians, even children and youth, are living with eating disorders.

Many children are picky eaters, so how can you tell if there’s something more serious at play?

Guest: Dr. Jennifer Coelho

Psychologist at BC Children’s Hospital specialising in eating disorders

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: a mom has attracted comments online because she let her 10-year-old skip school for a mental health day. Have you ever taken a ‘mental health’ day off work or school?

Yes, I needed the day.
No, I never have.


Chapter 2

Darryl Plecas speaks to the Simi Sara Show

It’s a little over two weeks since Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, Darryl Plecas, released his bombshell report that alleged a litany of extravagant and flagrant overspending by staff at the BC Legislature.

Sergeant-at-Arms, Gary Lenz, and Clerk of the House, Craig James, have not been charged with any crime and have denied all wrongdoing. They have until tomorrow to respond to the Legislative Assembly Management Committee, and we may learn their response in public then.

Now, in his first broadcast interview since the publication of that report, Darryl Plecas spoke to us on the Simi Sara Show this morning just before we came on-air. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Darryl Plecas

Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter


Chapter 3

Quadriga case shines spotlight on cryptocurrency regulations

Canada's largest crypto-currency exchange is dealing with the fallout from its founder's death. A Halifax court heard yesterday about difficulties accessing 180-million dollars in digital assets believed to be locked in Gerald Cotten's laptop.

The sole director of the trading platform Quadriga C-X was travelling in India December 9th when he died suddenly from Crohn's disease complications. His wife says she has searched their home in Fall River, Nova Scotia and has been unable to find any passwords or business records.(

So how could this have happened, and what regulations should government be considering to avoid something similar happening in future?

Guest: Daniel Fuke

Lawyer at the Fasken Martineau DuMoulin law firm, who advises cryptocurrency companies


Chapter 4

Would you let your child skip school for a mental health day?

Parents are quite familiar with snow days and sick days, but one mom has been attracting some attention online, because she detailed in a blog for the CBC that she allowed her 10-year-old daughter to take a mental-health day.

Since then, she allows all three of her children to take one day off in the school year for their mental health, no questions asked.

Is this something that more parents should be considering? And how do you make sure that it’s something your kids need?

Guest: Julie Romanowski

Early childhood consultant from Miss Behaviour in Victoria, B.C


Chapter 5

Key figures from BC’s black history celebrated this February

Guest: Silvia Mangue

President of the BC Black History Awareness Society


Chapter 6

Advice for parents on national Eating Disorder Awareness Week

This week is national Eating Disorder Awareness Week, a week of action to highlight that many Canadians, even children and youth, are living with eating disorders.

Many children are picky eaters, so how can you tell if there’s something more serious at play?

Guest: Dr. Jennifer Coelho

Psychologist at BC Children’s Hospital specialising in eating disorders