Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: The B.C. government is committing to "take action to improve billing transparency" for cellphone users.

Are you happy with your current cellphone contract? Vote below and reply with your comments.

Yes, it fits the bill.

No, I’d like change.


Chapter 2

Wilson-Raybould retains counsel of former Supreme Court justice, in an unusual move for a departing minister

Conservative leader Andrew Scheer says Liberal members of the House of Commons justice committee have an opportunity today to do the right thing and get the answers Canadians deserve on the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

The Conservatives are putting forward a motion for the committee to investigate allegations that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's aides pressured Jody Wilson-Raybould to help SNC-Lavalin avoid criminal prosecution.

Scheer says voting against or watering down the motion down is an admission of guilt.

The Liberal chairman of the committee says his biggest concern is that the committee may be too partisan a venue for a review of the matter.

Wilson-Raybould has retained the counsel of Thomas Cromwell, who served on the Supreme Court of Canada from 2008 to 2016 - an unusual step for a departing cabinet minister.

Guest: Wayne MacKay

Professor emeritus at the Schulich (SHOE-LICK) School of Law at Dalhousie University

Former colleague of Thomas Cromwell


Chapter 3

How decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs could help battle the overdose crisis

Guest: Dr Bonnie Henry

B.C.'s provincial health officer


Chapter 4

Heavy overnight snow causing messy road conditions, especially in the Fraser Valley

Environment Canada has ended the Snowfall Warning for Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, Greater Victoria, and the Southern Gulf Islands.

But while the snow has stopped this morning, we won't get a long break. The forecast calls for wet snow or rain Thursday evening.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter


Chapter 5

Order of BC nominations are open

This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Order of B.C. It is the province’s highest honour for outstanding British Columbians.

If you know of someone who be worthy of the honour, there is a nomination process that has to be completed by the first Friday in March. Find out more in this Simi Sara Show podcast.

Guest: Kim Emerson

Communications Manager for the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat


Chapter 6

Throne Speech

Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin reading the throne speech in the legislature yesterday.

The BC government laid out its plans for the spring session and it includes renewing public trust in the legislature. The statement comes after the sergeant-at arms and clerk of the house were suspended while the RCMP investigates allegations against them.

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter


Chapter 7

How to Harness Microbes for Lifelong Health

Modern-day science has allowed us to prolong and improve life in astonishing ways, often by fending off germs and other invisible foes. But there’s no “immunity” to the inevitable signs of aging . . . or is there?In The Whole-Body Microbiome, the father-daughter team of Dr. Brett Finlay (a microbiologist) and Dr. Jessica Finlay (a specialist on aging) offers a different—and truly revolutionary—solution to the quest for the fountain of youth. While much has been written about bacteria in the gut, exciting new research shows that there are millions of microbes both inside our bodies—supporting our brain, teeth, heart, lungs, bones, immune system, and more; plus the microbes on our bodies, coming from the air we breathe and the things we touch all day long—cell phones and kitchen sponges, pets and doorknobs, and even other humans. These microbial “lifelong companions” have an immense impact on our daily health—and, as groundbreaking research is showing, they have the power to help prevent and reverse the most common age-related diseases.In this eye-opening new take on the significance of the microbiome, the Finlays offer empowering knowledge, surprising myth-busters, and simple yet effective daily tips that prove “dirty” is the new clean. Whether it’s by changing your diet, enjoying a glass of wine, getting more exercise, trading your antibacterial gel for good old soap and water, or spending more time outdoors, you can change your life today; so that you and your microbes live long—and prosper.

Guest: Brett Finlay


Author of ‘The Whole-Body Microbiome: How to Harness Microbes―Inside and Out―for Lifelong Health’

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: The B.C. government is committing to "take action to improve billing transparency" for cellphone users.

Are you happy with your current cellphone contract? Vote below and reply with your comments.

Yes, it fits the bill.
No, I’d like change.


Chapter 2

Wilson-Raybould retains counsel of former Supreme Court justice, in an unusual move for a departing minister

Conservative leader Andrew Scheer says Liberal members of the House of Commons justice committee have an opportunity today to do the right thing and get the answers Canadians deserve on the SNC-Lavalin scandal.

The Conservatives are putting forward a motion for the committee to investigate allegations that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's aides pressured Jody Wilson-Raybould to help SNC-Lavalin avoid criminal prosecution.

Scheer says voting against or watering down the motion down is an admission of guilt.

The Liberal chairman of the committee says his biggest concern is that the committee may be too partisan a venue for a review of the matter.

Wilson-Raybould has retained the counsel of Thomas Cromwell, who served on the Supreme Court of Canada from 2008 to 2016 - an unusual step for a departing cabinet minister.

Guest: Wayne MacKay

Professor emeritus at the Schulich (SHOE-LICK) School of Law at Dalhousie University

Former colleague of Thomas Cromwell


Chapter 3

How decriminalizing possession of small amounts of drugs could help battle the overdose crisis

Guest: Dr Bonnie Henry

B.C.'s provincial health officer


Chapter 4

Heavy overnight snow causing messy road conditions, especially in the Fraser Valley

Environment Canada has ended the Snowfall Warning for Metro Vancouver, the Fraser Valley, Greater Victoria, and the Southern Gulf Islands.

But while the snow has stopped this morning, we won't get a long break. The forecast calls for wet snow or rain Thursday evening.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter


Chapter 5

Order of BC nominations are open

This year marks the 30th Anniversary of the Order of B.C. It is the province’s highest honour for outstanding British Columbians.

If you know of someone who be worthy of the honour, there is a nomination process that has to be completed by the first Friday in March. Find out more in this Simi Sara Show podcast.

Guest: Kim Emerson

Communications Manager for the Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat


Chapter 6

Throne Speech

Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin reading the throne speech in the legislature yesterday.

The BC government laid out its plans for the spring session and it includes renewing public trust in the legislature. The statement comes after the sergeant-at arms and clerk of the house were suspended while the RCMP investigates allegations against them.

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter


Chapter 7

How to Harness Microbes for Lifelong Health

Modern-day science has allowed us to prolong and improve life in astonishing ways, often by fending off germs and other invisible foes. But there’s no “immunity” to the inevitable signs of aging . . . or is there?

In The Whole-Body Microbiome, the father-daughter team of Dr. Brett Finlay (a microbiologist) and Dr. Jessica Finlay (a specialist on aging) offers a different—and truly revolutionary—solution to the quest for the fountain of youth. While much has been written about bacteria in the gut, exciting new research shows that there are millions of microbes both inside our bodies—supporting our brain, teeth, heart, lungs, bones, immune system, and more; plus the microbes on our bodies, coming from the air we breathe and the things we touch all day long—cell phones and kitchen sponges, pets and doorknobs, and even other humans. These microbial “lifelong companions” have an immense impact on our daily health—and, as groundbreaking research is showing, they have the power to help prevent and reverse the most common age-related diseases.

In this eye-opening new take on the significance of the microbiome, the Finlays offer empowering knowledge, surprising myth-busters, and simple yet effective daily tips that prove “dirty” is the new clean. Whether it’s by changing your diet, enjoying a glass of wine, getting more exercise, trading your antibacterial gel for good old soap and water, or spending more time outdoors, you can change your life today; so that you and your microbes live long—and prosper.

Guest: Brett Finlay


Author of ‘The Whole-Body Microbiome: How to Harness Microbes―Inside and Out―for Lifelong Health’