🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

It’s @MikeSmythNews’s 🔥 question of the day:

Are you confident a deal can be reached between CUPE and the British Columbia Rapid Transit Company to avert tomorrow’s SkyTrain shutdown?

Yes, for the public good

No, they’re too far apart



Uber’s sexual assault report prompts calls for introduction of ridehailing in B.C. to be delayed

Guest: Stacey Forrester

Coordinator with Good Night Out



Debate: what to do with illegal pot shops in B.C.?

A newly-formed squad is raiding illegal cannabis stores across B.C.

The Community Safety Unit has already raided 21 unlicensed retailers, according to Solicitor General, Mike Farnworth.

One of those impacted was Dana Larsen, whose Medical Cannabis Dispensary near Thurlow and Davie was raided in late October. You may remember we spoke to him live on the Simi Sara Show while that raid was taking place.

He joins us again today to debate the necessity of this Community Safety Unit - along with former Public Safety Minister, Kash Heed.

Guest: Kash Heed

Former Public Safety Minister and Former West Vancouver Police Chief 

Guest: Dana Larsen

Founder of the Vancouver Dispensary Society



There’s a new attraction at Disneyland that’s getting rave reviews

Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando is home to a new attraction: Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.

Mike spoke to Greg Antonelle, founder of, to learn more.

Guest: Greg Antonelle

Founder of



Talks resume to try to avert shutdown of SkyTrain service

With the threat of a SkyTrain strike looming early tomorrow morning, contract talks have resumed at the downtown Vancouver offices of the Labour Relations Board between the BC Rapid Transit Company and CUPE Local 7000, representing 900 SkyTrain workers

They are threatening to go on strike at 5am and if they do, they will completely shut down all service on the Expo and Millenium lines, which are used by 150,000 people each weekday.

The Canada Line would not be affected, same for buses, SeaBuses, West Coast Express, or HandyDart.

However, the Coast Mountain Bus Company says it will not be able to increase bus service due to operational constraints and labour considerations.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter



CRTC’s new plan to tackle scam calls involving fake caller IDs

We’ve probably all been there - a phone call comes in and the caller ID says it’s coming from the CRA, or the cops. But it’s not real - it’s a scam - someone displaying a fake ID so they can try to trick you.

So today, Canada’s broadcasting and cellphone regulator is out with a new plan to tackle that. And they want mobile phone companies to get on board and use new technology that would help reduce the number of fake caller ID scams out there.

Guest: Patricia Valladao

Spokesperson for the CRTC



Should beauty salons be regulated?

In Vancouver, a woman is suing a beauty spa, alleging that she was left with scarring during a treatment she received there. The allegations have not been proven in court.

At present, spas like these are not regulated. But should they be?

Guest: Greg Robins

Executive Director of Beauty Council of Western Canada


🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

It’s @MikeSmythNews’s 🔥 question of the day:

Are you confident a deal can be reached between CUPE and the British Columbia Rapid Transit Company to avert tomorrow’s SkyTrain shutdown?

Yes, for the public good
No, they’re too far apart



Uber’s sexual assault report prompts calls for introduction of ridehailing in B.C. to be delayed

Guest: Stacey Forrester

Coordinator with Good Night Out



Debate: what to do with illegal pot shops in B.C.?

A newly-formed squad is raiding illegal cannabis stores across B.C.

The Community Safety Unit has already raided 21 unlicensed retailers, according to Solicitor General, Mike Farnworth.

One of those impacted was Dana Larsen, whose Medical Cannabis Dispensary near Thurlow and Davie was raided in late October. You may remember we spoke to him live on the Simi Sara Show while that raid was taking place.

He joins us again today to debate the necessity of this Community Safety Unit - along with former Public Safety Minister, Kash Heed.

Guest: Kash Heed

Former Public Safety Minister and Former West Vancouver Police Chief 

Guest: Dana Larsen

Founder of the Vancouver Dispensary Society



There’s a new attraction at Disneyland that’s getting rave reviews

Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando is home to a new attraction: Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance.

Mike spoke to Greg Antonelle, founder of, to learn more.

Guest: Greg Antonelle

Founder of



Talks resume to try to avert shutdown of SkyTrain service

With the threat of a SkyTrain strike looming early tomorrow morning, contract talks have resumed at the downtown Vancouver offices of the Labour Relations Board between the BC Rapid Transit Company and CUPE Local 7000, representing 900 SkyTrain workers

They are threatening to go on strike at 5am and if they do, they will completely shut down all service on the Expo and Millenium lines, which are used by 150,000 people each weekday.

The Canada Line would not be affected, same for buses, SeaBuses, West Coast Express, or HandyDart.

However, the Coast Mountain Bus Company says it will not be able to increase bus service due to operational constraints and labour considerations.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter



CRTC’s new plan to tackle scam calls involving fake caller IDs

We’ve probably all been there - a phone call comes in and the caller ID says it’s coming from the CRA, or the cops. But it’s not real - it’s a scam - someone displaying a fake ID so they can try to trick you.

So today, Canada’s broadcasting and cellphone regulator is out with a new plan to tackle that. And they want mobile phone companies to get on board and use new technology that would help reduce the number of fake caller ID scams out there.

Guest: Patricia Valladao

Spokesperson for the CRTC



Should beauty salons be regulated?

In Vancouver, a woman is suing a beauty spa, alleging that she was left with scarring during a treatment she received there. The allegations have not been proven in court.

At present, spas like these are not regulated. But should they be?

Guest: Greg Robins

Executive Director of Beauty Council of Western Canada