Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: how important is it to you that your partner cares about voting?

Very important

Somewhat important

We don’t talk about politics


Chapter 2

Ontario is joining BC in the lawsuit against opioid manufacturers to recoup costs for

The province of Ontario has announced that they are joining BC in their court case against the producers of opioids for “negligence and corruption”, in an effort to recoup money associated with the costs that the opioid crisis has passed on to the province.

The announcement comes as the state of Oklahoma begins its court case this morning against multinational conglomerate Johnson & Johnson.

Robin Martin is the Parliamentary Assistant to Christine Elliott, Ontario’s Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, and made the announcement that the province is going to join BC in the suit.

Guest: Robin Martin

Parliamentary Assistant to Christine Elliott - Ont. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care


Chapter 3

Demand for Vancouver hotel rooms is dramatically outpacing supply

According to Tourism Vancouver, Metro Vancouver needs another three to four thousand additional hotel rooms for the market to be able to keep up with overall tourism demand over the next dozen years.

Guest: Ty Speer

President and CEO of Tourism Vancouver


Chapter 4

What does Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna make of Elizabeth May’s comments that Canada should be using oil from Alberta exclusively?

Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna is in Vancouver to attend the Clean Energy Ministerial, and to make a large announcement at the conference this afternoon.

The conference brings together leaders on clean energy from governments, the private sector and international organizations from 25+ countries, and will reinforce international collaboration on Canada’s green energy future.

A study from Clean Energy Canada found that Canada’s clean-energy sector is growing faster than the economy as a whole, and that nearly 300,000 people are directly employed across the industry. BC has been a leader, and has one of the fastest growing cleantech sectors.

Guest: Catherine McKenna

Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change


Chapter 5

Dating & Politics - Heating things up in the bedroom or throwing a wet blanket on things?

OKCupid has done a poll with their Canadian members to get their take on dating leading up to the 2019 Federal Election in a few months (sample questions include: what’s more attractive in a partner, 'exercising' or 'exercising your right to vote'?, talking politics on a date - yay or nay? Dating someone with different political views - red flag or deal breaker?).  

Turns out the answers largely depend on your generation - for instance, 78% of Gen Z women said they would prefer that their dates get out and vote, while that number drops dramatically for Gen X women (only 11%!). When asked to choose what’s more attractive in a partner, “exercising” or “exercising your right to vote”, 78% of Gen Z women said they would prefer that their matches get out and vote. 50% of Millennial women agree - although that number falls to only 11% for Gen X women.

Guest: Melissa Hobley

Chief Marketing Officer for OKCupid


Chapter 6

Housing sales will decline for 2 years in B.C.: Central 1 Credit Union

No good news for BC's housing market - according to a new report by Central 1 Credit Union.

The report released this morning says sales will decline over the next two years.

Deputy Chief Economist Bryan Yu says a solid economy means sellers aren't willing to lower their prices...yet

And Yu says buyers aren't having an easy time of it, because the new mortgage lending restrictions mean people who would have previously been able to afford a house can't get financing, so they're staying in the rental market -- pushing prices up there.

Guest: Bryan Yu  

Central 1 Deputy Chief Economist


Chapter 7

Spot prawn season is here!

Sweet, succulent and sustainable: B.C. spot prawns are a prized local delicacy. With a season that typically lasts just six to eight weeks, they’re also a get-’em-while-you-can precious commodity. Robert Clark is a chef and the owner of the Fish Counter on Main Street, and he joins us to discuss spot prawn recipes that you will want to try out during the season!

Guest: Robert Clark

Chef and owner of the Fish Counter on Main Street


Chapter 8

What does the future of teaching look like?

Well this past week, some of the top decision-makers when it comes to setting out the future of education came to Vancouver for a conference hosted by the OECD.

And this prompted us to find out a little more - because with so much innovation - whether it’s through technology or otherwise - the way this generation of children, and the next, will be taught, is going to be much different than anything that’s gone before.

So what does that future look like? Just before we came on-air, I spoke with Thomas Arnett, Senior Research Fellow, at the Clayton Christensen Institute in California. He’s written extensively on this topic. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Thomas Arnett

Senior Research Fellow, at the Clayton Christensen Institute in California

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: how important is it to you that your partner cares about voting?

Very important
Somewhat important
We don’t talk about politics


Chapter 2

Ontario is joining BC in the lawsuit against opioid manufacturers to recoup costs for

The province of Ontario has announced that they are joining BC in their court case against the producers of opioids for “negligence and corruption”, in an effort to recoup money associated with the costs that the opioid crisis has passed on to the province.

The announcement comes as the state of Oklahoma begins its court case this morning against multinational conglomerate Johnson & Johnson.

Robin Martin is the Parliamentary Assistant to Christine Elliott, Ontario’s Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, and made the announcement that the province is going to join BC in the suit.

Guest: Robin Martin

Parliamentary Assistant to Christine Elliott - Ont. Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care


Chapter 3

Demand for Vancouver hotel rooms is dramatically outpacing supply

According to Tourism Vancouver, Metro Vancouver needs another three to four thousand additional hotel rooms for the market to be able to keep up with overall tourism demand over the next dozen years.

Guest: Ty Speer

President and CEO of Tourism Vancouver


Chapter 4

What does Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna make of Elizabeth May’s comments that Canada should be using oil from Alberta exclusively?

Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna is in Vancouver to attend the Clean Energy Ministerial, and to make a large announcement at the conference this afternoon.

The conference brings together leaders on clean energy from governments, the private sector and international organizations from 25+ countries, and will reinforce international collaboration on Canada’s green energy future.

A study from Clean Energy Canada found that Canada’s clean-energy sector is growing faster than the economy as a whole, and that nearly 300,000 people are directly employed across the industry. BC has been a leader, and has one of the fastest growing cleantech sectors.

Guest: Catherine McKenna

Federal Minister of the Environment and Climate Change


Chapter 5

Dating & Politics - Heating things up in the bedroom or throwing a wet blanket on things?

OKCupid has done a poll with their Canadian members to get their take on dating leading up to the 2019 Federal Election in a few months (sample questions include: what’s more attractive in a partner, 'exercising' or 'exercising your right to vote'?, talking politics on a date - yay or nay? Dating someone with different political views - red flag or deal breaker?).  

Turns out the answers largely depend on your generation - for instance, 78% of Gen Z women said they would prefer that their dates get out and vote, while that number drops dramatically for Gen X women (only 11%!). When asked to choose what’s more attractive in a partner, “exercising” or “exercising your right to vote”, 78% of Gen Z women said they would prefer that their matches get out and vote. 50% of Millennial women agree - although that number falls to only 11% for Gen X women.

Guest: Melissa Hobley

Chief Marketing Officer for OKCupid


Chapter 6

Housing sales will decline for 2 years in B.C.: Central 1 Credit Union

No good news for BC's housing market - according to a new report by Central 1 Credit Union.

The report released this morning says sales will decline over the next two years.

Deputy Chief Economist Bryan Yu says a solid economy means sellers aren't willing to lower their prices...yet

And Yu says buyers aren't having an easy time of it, because the new mortgage lending restrictions mean people who would have previously been able to afford a house can't get financing, so they're staying in the rental market -- pushing prices up there.

Guest: Bryan Yu  

Central 1 Deputy Chief Economist


Chapter 7

Spot prawn season is here!

Sweet, succulent and sustainable: B.C. spot prawns are a prized local delicacy. With a season that typically lasts just six to eight weeks, they’re also a get-’em-while-you-can precious commodity. Robert Clark is a chef and the owner of the Fish Counter on Main Street, and he joins us to discuss spot prawn recipes that you will want to try out during the season!

Guest: Robert Clark

Chef and owner of the Fish Counter on Main Street


Chapter 8

What does the future of teaching look like?

Well this past week, some of the top decision-makers when it comes to setting out the future of education came to Vancouver for a conference hosted by the OECD.

And this prompted us to find out a little more - because with so much innovation - whether it’s through technology or otherwise - the way this generation of children, and the next, will be taught, is going to be much different than anything that’s gone before.

So what does that future look like? Just before we came on-air, I spoke with Thomas Arnett, Senior Research Fellow, at the Clayton Christensen Institute in California. He’s written extensively on this topic. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Thomas Arnett

Senior Research Fellow, at the Clayton Christensen Institute in California