Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

It’s @MikeSmythNews’s 🔥 question of the day: 

Canadian adults spend too much time on screens and too little time being active.

Research by Participaction finds only 16% of adults getting the recommended amount of moderate-to-vigorous activity. 

Nora Johnston from ParticipACTION was on the Jon McComb Show this morning. She says it all starts with some simple steps.

How much exercise do you get every day?

Less than 10 minutes

10-25 minutes

25-40 minutes

More than 40 minutes 


Chapter 2

Union representing transit workers in Metro Vancouver issues strike notice

The union representing bus drivers in Metro Vancouver, Seabus operators, and maintenance workers - and they have issued 72-hour strike notice.

Gavin McGarrigle from Unifor says Coast Mountain Bus Company workers have demanded better breaks and wages for months, and have been ignored by the company. He spoke to Stirling Faux on the Jon McComb Show this morning.

It will be the first transit strike in 18 years and McGarrigle says workers don't want to impact the public, but current conditions don't work in favour of passengers OR drivers.

McGarrigle says at the moment a complete shutdown of services has been ruled out, so job action starting at 12:01am Friday will be targeted and could include work-to-rule. The Coast Mountain Bus Company tells Global News it will be working with partners on a contingency plan "should a worst-case scenario unfold".

Guest: Ian Tostenson 

Ridesharing Now for BC

President and CEO of the BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association


Chapter 3

Facial Recognition at festivals

Guest: Takara Small

Technology writer


Chapter 4

Amount of money left over after bills in B.C. households is falling, insolvency firm study finds

In February 2016, the insolvency firm MNP started tracking how much wriggle room British Columbians have in their personal finances.

They're just out with their latest figures... and the amount of money people have left after they've paid their bills is lower than ever.

Guest: Lana Gilbertson 

Licensed Insolvency Trustee


Chapter 5

Teachers, transit workers, hotel workers… how does the NDP plan to deal with all this labour unrest?

There is lots of industrial strife around our province at the moment. There’s no deal with teachers on a new contract, hotel workers in Vancouver are off the job, and now strike notice has been served by transit workers in Metro Vancouver.

How does the NDP plan to deal with all of this labour unrest?

Guest: Harry Bains

BC Minister for Labour

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

Guest: Peter Milobar

BC Liberal MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson

Official Opposition Critic for Environment and Climate Change


Chapter 7

CKNW Leadership Series: the secret to great leadership

Often, the people we look up to are people we see on screens and in front of cameras. We look up to these people as great leaders. But the camera's most often don't show all sides. Amir Ali presents a cautionary tale, and the secret to great leadership.



Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

It’s @MikeSmythNews’s 🔥 question of the day: 

Canadian adults spend too much time on screens and too little time being active.

Research by Participaction finds only 16% of adults getting the recommended amount of moderate-to-vigorous activity. 

Nora Johnston from ParticipACTION was on the Jon McComb Show this morning. She says it all starts with some simple steps.

How much exercise do you get every day?

Less than 10 minutes
10-25 minutes
25-40 minutes
More than 40 minutes 


Chapter 2

Union representing transit workers in Metro Vancouver issues strike notice

The union representing bus drivers in Metro Vancouver, Seabus operators, and maintenance workers - and they have issued 72-hour strike notice.

Gavin McGarrigle from Unifor says Coast Mountain Bus Company workers have demanded better breaks and wages for months, and have been ignored by the company. He spoke to Stirling Faux on the Jon McComb Show this morning.

It will be the first transit strike in 18 years and McGarrigle says workers don't want to impact the public, but current conditions don't work in favour of passengers OR drivers.

McGarrigle says at the moment a complete shutdown of services has been ruled out, so job action starting at 12:01am Friday will be targeted and could include work-to-rule. The Coast Mountain Bus Company tells Global News it will be working with partners on a contingency plan "should a worst-case scenario unfold".

Guest: Ian Tostenson 

Ridesharing Now for BC

President and CEO of the BC Restaurant and Foodservices Association


Chapter 3

Facial Recognition at festivals

Guest: Takara Small

Technology writer


Chapter 4

Amount of money left over after bills in B.C. households is falling, insolvency firm study finds

In February 2016, the insolvency firm MNP started tracking how much wriggle room British Columbians have in their personal finances.

They're just out with their latest figures... and the amount of money people have left after they've paid their bills is lower than ever.

Guest: Lana Gilbertson 

Licensed Insolvency Trustee


Chapter 5

Teachers, transit workers, hotel workers… how does the NDP plan to deal with all this labour unrest?

There is lots of industrial strife around our province at the moment. There’s no deal with teachers on a new contract, hotel workers in Vancouver are off the job, and now strike notice has been served by transit workers in Metro Vancouver.

How does the NDP plan to deal with all of this labour unrest?

Guest: Harry Bains

BC Minister for Labour

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

Guest: Peter Milobar

BC Liberal MLA for Kamloops-North Thompson

Official Opposition Critic for Environment and Climate Change


Chapter 7

CKNW Leadership Series: the secret to great leadership

Often, the people we look up to are people we see on screens and in front of cameras. We look up to these people as great leaders. But the camera's most often don't show all sides. Amir Ali presents a cautionary tale, and the secret to great leadership.