Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Surrey City councillor, Doug Elford, says he doesn't expect Surrey taxpayers will be consulted again on the issue, even though it will cost taxpayers more to make the move.

A report by Surrey's General Manager of Policing Transition is expected to go to the Provincial government in the next 4 to 6 weeks, as Solicitor General Mike Farnworth needs to approve the move by Surrey away from the RCMP.

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: Should Surrey City Council hold a referendum so people can vote on the transition to a municipal police force? Local councillor, Linda Annis says yes. We'd like to know your view.

Yes, public input needed

No, council has a mandate


Chapter 2

Detained Canadians accused of stealing Chinese state secrets

After detaining them for nearly three months, China is suddenly alleging that two Canadians -- former diplomat Michael Kovrig and entrepreneur Michael Spavor -- were acting together to steal state secrets.

They were arrested on December 10th. That was a week after Huawei executive, Meng Wanzhou was arrested here in Vancouver at the request of the United States. She faces charges she misled banks about Huawei's business with Iran.

This past Friday, Canada announced it will proceed with the American extradition request for Meng. And yesterday, it was announced Meng is suing the Canadian government, the border agency, and the RCMP, alleging breach a of constitutional rights.

Guest: Joanna Chiu

Assistant managing editor of StarMetro Vancouver, and friend of Michael Kovrig

Guest: Dr Stewart Prest

Political science instructor at Simon Fraser university


Chapter 3

Surrey councillor calls for referendum on transition to municipal police force

Surrey City councilor, Doug Elford, says he doesn't expect Surrey taxpayers will be consulted again on the issue, even though it will cost taxpayers more to make the move.

A report by Surrey's General Manager of Policing Transition is expected to go to the Provincial government in the next 4 to 6 weeks, as Solicitor General Mike Farnworth needs to approve the move by Surrey away from the RCMP.

Elford says the report will go to Council's Public Safety Committee, but that committee meets behind-closed-doors, in-camera.

In light of what Elford says, city councillor Linda Annis is calling for 'full disclosure' BEFORE the report goes to Victoria.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter


Chapter 4

Fast food is becoming saltier and more calorific, despite apparent moves towards 'healthier' options: study

When you visit a fast food chain these days, you'll likely see options that appear to be healthier - like wraps and salads.

So researchers decided to compare the fast-food choices in the US between 1986 and 2016. And their findings might surprise you.

Guest: Dr Megan McCrory

Research Associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences at Boston University

Lead researcher on this report


Chapter 5

Carl Honore shares how you can making the most of our longer lives

A revolution in how we age is on its way. Yes, ageing is inevitable: one year from now we will all be a year older; that will never change. What can and will change is how we age--and how we can all take a much bolder approach to doing it with vigour and joy.

The time has come to cast off prejudices and to blur the lines of what is possible and permissible at every stage of life. In other words: we need to learn to re-imagine our approach to later life. Emboldening ourselves in older age demands big structural changes. For a start, we will have to tear up the old script that locks us into devoting the early part of our life to education, the middle chunk to working and raising kids, and whatever is left over at the end to leisure. In an age-inappropriate world, these silos will dissolve. We'll embrace the idea that we can carry on learning from start to finish; that we can work less and devote more time to family, leisure, and giving back to our communities in our middle years; and that we can remain active and engaged in our later years.

Carl Honoré has travelled the globe speaking to influential figures who are bucking preconceived notions of age, whether at work or in their personal lives. He looks at the cultural, medical, and technological developments that are opening new possibilities for us all. Bolder is a radical re-think of our approach to everything from education, healthcare and work, to design, relationships and politics. An essential and inspiring read for everyone interested in our collective future.

Guest: Carl Honore


Author of Bolder: Making the Most of Our Longer Lives


Chapter 6

Federal Government committing $5.3 million to B.C. to combat gun and gang violence

The federal government says it's committing $5.3 million to understand prevent, and disrupt guns and gang violence in the province. Here is Bill Blair,  Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, making the announcement in Victoria this past hour...

B.C.'s Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth says the money will be spread among different programs including schools and policing to take bold action against what he calls the provinces 'unique gang culture'.

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter


Chapter 7

BREAKING: Jane Philpott resigns from Trudeau cabinet

Treasury Board president Jane Philpott has resigned from the federal cabinet, saying she's lost confidence in the way the Trudeau government has dealt with the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Philpott's resignation comes just less than a month after former Attorney General, Jody Wilson-Raybould resigned from cabinet because of allegations that the Prime Minister's Office had improperly pressured her to stop a criminal prosecution of Montreal engineering giant SNC-Lavalin.

In her resignation letter to the Prime Minister, Jane Philpott says:

"It is untenable for me to continue to serve as a cabinet minister.

"Unfortunately, the evidence of efforts by politicians and/or officials to pressure the former Attorney General to intervene in the criminal case involving SNC-Lavalin, and the evidence as to the content of those efforts have raised serious concerns for me.

"The solemn principles at stake are the independence and integrity of our justice system. It is a fundamental doctrine of the rule of law that our Attorney General should not be subjected to political pressure or interference regarding the exercise of her prosecutorial discretion in criminal cases.

“Sadly, I have lost confidence in how the government has dealt with this matter and in how it has responded to the issues raised."

Guest: Mercedes Stephenson

Ottawa Bureau Chief for Global News

Host of The West Block


Chapter 8

Finding Neverland: new abuse allegations against Michael Jackson in HBO documentary

Last night, HBO broadcast the first part of a new documentary, which contains new allegations and evidence against Michael Jackson - painting him as a sexual predator who preyed on young boys.

The second part of the documentary will be broadcast this evening.

Guest: Alan Cross

Global News Music Commentator

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Surrey City councillor, Doug Elford, says he doesn't expect Surrey taxpayers will be consulted again on the issue, even though it will cost taxpayers more to make the move.

A report by Surrey's General Manager of Policing Transition is expected to go to the Provincial government in the next 4 to 6 weeks, as Solicitor General Mike Farnworth needs to approve the move by Surrey away from the RCMP.

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: Should Surrey City Council hold a referendum so people can vote on the transition to a municipal police force? Local councillor, Linda Annis says yes. We'd like to know your view.

Yes, public input needed
No, council has a mandate


Chapter 2

Detained Canadians accused of stealing Chinese state secrets

After detaining them for nearly three months, China is suddenly alleging that two Canadians -- former diplomat Michael Kovrig and entrepreneur Michael Spavor -- were acting together to steal state secrets.

They were arrested on December 10th. That was a week after Huawei executive, Meng Wanzhou was arrested here in Vancouver at the request of the United States. She faces charges she misled banks about Huawei's business with Iran.

This past Friday, Canada announced it will proceed with the American extradition request for Meng. And yesterday, it was announced Meng is suing the Canadian government, the border agency, and the RCMP, alleging breach a of constitutional rights.

Guest: Joanna Chiu

Assistant managing editor of StarMetro Vancouver, and friend of Michael Kovrig

Guest: Dr Stewart Prest

Political science instructor at Simon Fraser university


Chapter 3

Surrey councillor calls for referendum on transition to municipal police force

Surrey City councilor, Doug Elford, says he doesn't expect Surrey taxpayers will be consulted again on the issue, even though it will cost taxpayers more to make the move.

A report by Surrey's General Manager of Policing Transition is expected to go to the Provincial government in the next 4 to 6 weeks, as Solicitor General Mike Farnworth needs to approve the move by Surrey away from the RCMP.

Elford says the report will go to Council's Public Safety Committee, but that committee meets behind-closed-doors, in-camera.

In light of what Elford says, city councillor Linda Annis is calling for 'full disclosure' BEFORE the report goes to Victoria.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter


Chapter 4

Fast food is becoming saltier and more calorific, despite apparent moves towards 'healthier' options: study

When you visit a fast food chain these days, you'll likely see options that appear to be healthier - like wraps and salads.

So researchers decided to compare the fast-food choices in the US between 1986 and 2016. And their findings might surprise you.

Guest: Dr Megan McCrory

Research Associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences at Boston University

Lead researcher on this report


Chapter 5

Carl Honore shares how you can making the most of our longer lives

A revolution in how we age is on its way. Yes, ageing is inevitable: one year from now we will all be a year older; that will never change. What can and will change is how we age--and how we can all take a much bolder approach to doing it with vigour and joy.

The time has come to cast off prejudices and to blur the lines of what is possible and permissible at every stage of life. In other words: we need to learn to re-imagine our approach to later life. Emboldening ourselves in older age demands big structural changes. For a start, we will have to tear up the old script that locks us into devoting the early part of our life to education, the middle chunk to working and raising kids, and whatever is left over at the end to leisure. In an age-inappropriate world, these silos will dissolve. We'll embrace the idea that we can carry on learning from start to finish; that we can work less and devote more time to family, leisure, and giving back to our communities in our middle years; and that we can remain active and engaged in our later years.

Carl Honoré has travelled the globe speaking to influential figures who are bucking preconceived notions of age, whether at work or in their personal lives. He looks at the cultural, medical, and technological developments that are opening new possibilities for us all. Bolder is a radical re-think of our approach to everything from education, healthcare and work, to design, relationships and politics. An essential and inspiring read for everyone interested in our collective future.

Guest: Carl Honore


Author of Bolder: Making the Most of Our Longer Lives


Chapter 6

Federal Government committing $5.3 million to B.C. to combat gun and gang violence

The federal government says it's committing $5.3 million to understand prevent, and disrupt guns and gang violence in the province. Here is Bill Blair,  Minister of Border Security and Organized Crime Reduction, making the announcement in Victoria this past hour...

B.C.'s Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth says the money will be spread among different programs including schools and policing to take bold action against what he calls the provinces 'unique gang culture'.

Guest: Richard Zussman

Global News Online Legislative Reporter


Chapter 7

BREAKING: Jane Philpott resigns from Trudeau cabinet

Treasury Board president Jane Philpott has resigned from the federal cabinet, saying she's lost confidence in the way the Trudeau government has dealt with the SNC-Lavalin affair.

Philpott's resignation comes just less than a month after former Attorney General, Jody Wilson-Raybould resigned from cabinet because of allegations that the Prime Minister's Office had improperly pressured her to stop a criminal prosecution of Montreal engineering giant SNC-Lavalin.

In her resignation letter to the Prime Minister, Jane Philpott says:

"It is untenable for me to continue to serve as a cabinet minister.

"Unfortunately, the evidence of efforts by politicians and/or officials to pressure the former Attorney General to intervene in the criminal case involving SNC-Lavalin, and the evidence as to the content of those efforts have raised serious concerns for me.

"The solemn principles at stake are the independence and integrity of our justice system. It is a fundamental doctrine of the rule of law that our Attorney General should not be subjected to political pressure or interference regarding the exercise of her prosecutorial discretion in criminal cases.

“Sadly, I have lost confidence in how the government has dealt with this matter and in how it has responded to the issues raised."

Guest: Mercedes Stephenson

Ottawa Bureau Chief for Global News

Host of The West Block


Chapter 8

Finding Neverland: new abuse allegations against Michael Jackson in HBO documentary

Last night, HBO broadcast the first part of a new documentary, which contains new allegations and evidence against Michael Jackson - painting him as a sexual predator who preyed on young boys.

The second part of the documentary will be broadcast this evening.

Guest: Alan Cross

Global News Music Commentator