Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: how many hours of sleep do you get every night?

Less than six hours

6-7 hours

7-8 hours

More than eight hours


Chapter 2

What Surrey really needs to talk about is more officers, not its own municipal force: Linda Annis

The lone opposition member of Surrey City Council says the number of police officers, and not the colour of their uniform, is the key to policing. In a statement issued this morning, councilor Linda Annis says the city is just too big to patrol for the current 835 RCMP officers. She says Vancouver has 12 officers per square kilometre, while Surrey, with the combined geographic size of Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby, has just 3 officers per square kilometre. Annis is also head of Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers, and she says when the Mayor failed to add the minimal number of officers in the last budget, it only made the situation worse. She calls the decision short-sighted and says it has put public safety at risk. Any day now the City is expected to give the provincial government its plan to transition to a civic police department.

Guest: Linda Annis

Surrey City Councillor representing Surrey First


Chapter 3

How efficient is our Recycling system?

It’s a point of pride for most Canadians that we recycle what we buy - but behind the scenes, the recycling industry is on its knees.

In the US - some cities have cancelled their recycling programs altogether - or have resorted to burning it. In Canada - where many cities are required by law to recycle - the outlook is also bleak. More is going to landfill… recyclers are paying to get rid of some products and cities are buckling under the pressure.

Guest: Tony Walker

Assistant Professor, School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University


Chapter 4

Gas prices top of mind as the BC’s MLAs meet again at the Legislature

A busy week coming up in Victoria, as we’ll learn more about the allegations of miss-spending by the Clerk and the Sergeant-at-Arms at the BC Legislature.

Plus, we’ll know more about how the NDP wants to shape labour rules in our province, and of course, the price of gas will never be far from the political sphere.

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 5

Environmental scientists says CCPA’s plan to regulate oil “missed the root cause” of the problem

Marc Lee is a senior economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives , and while appearing on the CKNW Jon McComb Show today, he said that it’s time for BC to follow the Maritime provinces and regulate gas prices to end gouging that has caused gas prices in Metro Vancouver to skyrocket.  But how would they regulate the price? Marc Lee explained…

Blair King is an environmental scientist, and he says that he found many flaws with CCPA’s idea. He joins us to discuss where he thinks they got it wrong…

Guest: Blair King

Environmental scientist based in Langley


Chapter 6

Don't worry no spoilers here.

But if you watched last night's Game of Thrones, did you think that the episode was a little... dark?

Did you mess around with the settings on your TV to try and see if you could make the picture brighter and figure out what was going on?

Well, you weren't alone. It turns out, last night's episode - and especially the first half of the episode - was confusing for a lot of viewers.

Guest: Chris Jancelewicz

Global News Entertainment Editor


Chapter 7

Does knowing the time keep you awake at night? Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Sleep Box’ might be the answer

Do you ever wake up during the night, roll over, glance at the clock, and get stressed out about what time it is? And then struggle to fall back to sleep?

Well, Mark Zuckerberg thinks he's found a solution. He's invented what he calls the "Sleep Box". It basically a light that sits on the nightstand. During the night, the light is off. And in the hour when you want to wake up, it emits a faint light - not bright enough to wake you up, but noticeable that you know it's time to get up if you roll over and see that it's on.

It's supposed to eliminate the worry of knowing what time it is - unless it's actually time to get up.

Guest: Prof Wendy Hall

UBC School of Nursing

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: how many hours of sleep do you get every night?

Less than six hours
6-7 hours
7-8 hours
More than eight hours


Chapter 2

What Surrey really needs to talk about is more officers, not its own municipal force: Linda Annis

The lone opposition member of Surrey City Council says the number of police officers, and not the colour of their uniform, is the key to policing. In a statement issued this morning, councilor Linda Annis says the city is just too big to patrol for the current 835 RCMP officers. She says Vancouver has 12 officers per square kilometre, while Surrey, with the combined geographic size of Vancouver, Richmond and Burnaby, has just 3 officers per square kilometre. Annis is also head of Metro Vancouver Crime Stoppers, and she says when the Mayor failed to add the minimal number of officers in the last budget, it only made the situation worse. She calls the decision short-sighted and says it has put public safety at risk. Any day now the City is expected to give the provincial government its plan to transition to a civic police department.

Guest: Linda Annis

Surrey City Councillor representing Surrey First


Chapter 3

How efficient is our Recycling system?

It’s a point of pride for most Canadians that we recycle what we buy - but behind the scenes, the recycling industry is on its knees.

In the US - some cities have cancelled their recycling programs altogether - or have resorted to burning it. In Canada - where many cities are required by law to recycle - the outlook is also bleak. More is going to landfill… recyclers are paying to get rid of some products and cities are buckling under the pressure.

Guest: Tony Walker

Assistant Professor, School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University


Chapter 4

Gas prices top of mind as the BC’s MLAs meet again at the Legislature

A busy week coming up in Victoria, as we’ll learn more about the allegations of miss-spending by the Clerk and the Sergeant-at-Arms at the BC Legislature.

Plus, we’ll know more about how the NDP wants to shape labour rules in our province, and of course, the price of gas will never be far from the political sphere.

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief


Chapter 5

Environmental scientists says CCPA’s plan to regulate oil “missed the root cause” of the problem

Marc Lee is a senior economist with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives , and while appearing on the CKNW Jon McComb Show today, he said that it’s time for BC to follow the Maritime provinces and regulate gas prices to end gouging that has caused gas prices in Metro Vancouver to skyrocket.  But how would they regulate the price? Marc Lee explained…

Blair King is an environmental scientist, and he says that he found many flaws with CCPA’s idea. He joins us to discuss where he thinks they got it wrong…

Guest: Blair King

Environmental scientist based in Langley


Chapter 6

Don't worry no spoilers here.

But if you watched last night's Game of Thrones, did you think that the episode was a little... dark?

Did you mess around with the settings on your TV to try and see if you could make the picture brighter and figure out what was going on?

Well, you weren't alone. It turns out, last night's episode - and especially the first half of the episode - was confusing for a lot of viewers.

Guest: Chris Jancelewicz

Global News Entertainment Editor


Chapter 7

Does knowing the time keep you awake at night? Mark Zuckerberg’s ‘Sleep Box’ might be the answer

Do you ever wake up during the night, roll over, glance at the clock, and get stressed out about what time it is? And then struggle to fall back to sleep?

Well, Mark Zuckerberg thinks he's found a solution. He's invented what he calls the "Sleep Box". It basically a light that sits on the nightstand. During the night, the light is off. And in the hour when you want to wake up, it emits a faint light - not bright enough to wake you up, but noticeable that you know it's time to get up if you roll over and see that it's on.

It's supposed to eliminate the worry of knowing what time it is - unless it's actually time to get up.

Guest: Prof Wendy Hall

UBC School of Nursing