Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: New research from @UBC suggests Canadians are eating fewer fruits and vegetables compared to 11 years ago.

So we want to know: which is your least favourite vegetable?

Brussels Sprouts



Other: tell us which one!


Chapter 2

Andrew Wilkinson hits back at ‘elitist cheap shots’

That was Andrew Wilkinson speaking in the BC Legislature this week, and his comments attracted a lot of criticism. He’s been described as ‘out of touch’ and ‘elitist’.

This morning on the Jon McComb Show, he set out to clarify those comments.

But what about the criticism that he’s out of touch? Jon McComb put that to him.

We wanted to get a sense of what the reality is like in the rental market, and get some of the facts and figures to learn about how things have changed since Andrew Wilkinson was a tenant.

Guest: Jeff Morrison

Executive Director of the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (based in Ottawa)


Chapter 3

Liberals announce pot pardon plan

The Liberal government is moving on its plan to expedite the pardon process and waive the fee for Canadians who were convicted of pot possession before the drug was legalized last fall.

Bill Blair says an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 Canadians are eligible to apply for an expedited pardon. A Parole Board of Canada website will handle applications, and will have full instructions 'shortly’.

Guest: Kirk Tousaw

Vancouver lawyer and cannabis advocate

Consultant with Canopy Growth Corporation


Chapter 4

Better Business Bureau reveals its top scams of the past year

The amount of money lost by Canadians to scammers reached a new record high in 2018.

The figure was revealed in the past hour by the Better Business Bureau.

They say that $121 million was lost to scammers - that's twice as much as 2015.

They warn though that the real figure could be much, much higher. That's because only about 10 per cent of people who are scammed come forward to report the crime. So the actual losses could be as much as $3 billion.

We also learned today what the top scams of the past year are. Let’s find out what those are.

Guest: Danielle Primrose

President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau, serving Mainland BC


Chapter 5

Baby boomers consume twice as much electricity as millennials: BC Hydro

A new report from BC Hydro says baby boomers use double the electricity than millennials. On average, Boomers spend $500 more on electricity each year.

To find out why, we're joined by Tanya Fish from BC Hydro.

Guest: Tanya Fish

BC Hydro Spokesperson


Chapter 6

Vancouver Asahi subject of a new Heritage Minute

A new Heritage Minute is telling the story of a Japanese Vancouver baseball team, and shining a spotlight on a shameful period of Canadian history. The Vancouver Asahi played in the city from 1914 to 1941. The team was one of Vancouver’s “most dominant” amateur teams, playing at a diamond in the city’s Downtown Eastside. CKNW Contributor Claire Allen has more in this report…


Chapter 7

Come From Away

COME FROM AWAY tells the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high, but uneasiness turned into trust, music soared into the night, and gratitude grew into enduring friendships.

Come From Away will be playing at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver from March 5 - 10. Visit broadway across canada DOT ca for ticket information

Guest: James Earl Jones II            Plays Bob  in ‘Come From Away’

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: New research from @UBC suggests Canadians are eating fewer fruits and vegetables compared to 11 years ago.

So we want to know: which is your least favourite vegetable?

Brussels Sprouts
Other: tell us which one!


Chapter 2

Andrew Wilkinson hits back at ‘elitist cheap shots’

That was Andrew Wilkinson speaking in the BC Legislature this week, and his comments attracted a lot of criticism. He’s been described as ‘out of touch’ and ‘elitist’.

This morning on the Jon McComb Show, he set out to clarify those comments.

But what about the criticism that he’s out of touch? Jon McComb put that to him.

We wanted to get a sense of what the reality is like in the rental market, and get some of the facts and figures to learn about how things have changed since Andrew Wilkinson was a tenant.

Guest: Jeff Morrison

Executive Director of the Canadian Housing and Renewal Association (based in Ottawa)


Chapter 3

Liberals announce pot pardon plan

The Liberal government is moving on its plan to expedite the pardon process and waive the fee for Canadians who were convicted of pot possession before the drug was legalized last fall.

Bill Blair says an estimated 70,000 to 80,000 Canadians are eligible to apply for an expedited pardon. A Parole Board of Canada website will handle applications, and will have full instructions 'shortly’.

Guest: Kirk Tousaw

Vancouver lawyer and cannabis advocate

Consultant with Canopy Growth Corporation


Chapter 4

Better Business Bureau reveals its top scams of the past year

The amount of money lost by Canadians to scammers reached a new record high in 2018.

The figure was revealed in the past hour by the Better Business Bureau.

They say that $121 million was lost to scammers - that's twice as much as 2015.

They warn though that the real figure could be much, much higher. That's because only about 10 per cent of people who are scammed come forward to report the crime. So the actual losses could be as much as $3 billion.

We also learned today what the top scams of the past year are. Let’s find out what those are.

Guest: Danielle Primrose

President and CEO of the Better Business Bureau, serving Mainland BC


Chapter 5

Baby boomers consume twice as much electricity as millennials: BC Hydro

A new report from BC Hydro says baby boomers use double the electricity than millennials. On average, Boomers spend $500 more on electricity each year.

To find out why, we're joined by Tanya Fish from BC Hydro.

Guest: Tanya Fish

BC Hydro Spokesperson


Chapter 6

Vancouver Asahi subject of a new Heritage Minute

A new Heritage Minute is telling the story of a Japanese Vancouver baseball team, and shining a spotlight on a shameful period of Canadian history. The Vancouver Asahi played in the city from 1914 to 1941. The team was one of Vancouver’s “most dominant” amateur teams, playing at a diamond in the city’s Downtown Eastside. CKNW Contributor Claire Allen has more in this report…


Chapter 7

Come From Away

COME FROM AWAY tells the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and the small town in Newfoundland that welcomed them. Cultures clashed and nerves ran high, but uneasiness turned into trust, music soared into the night, and gratitude grew into enduring friendships.

Come From Away will be playing at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver from March 5 - 10. Visit broadway across canada DOT ca for ticket information

Guest: James Earl Jones II           
Plays Bob  in ‘Come From Away’