Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: The 300 residents in the village of Port Clements on Haida Gwaii now have cellphone service for the first time ever.

So today we’re asking: has your cellphone been a welcome or unwelcome presence in your life?

Welcome, I love it!

Unwelcome, too invasive.


Chapter 2

Driver of semi involved in Humboldt crash sentenced to eight years in prison

The Humboldt Broncos has released a statement. In it, they say:

The Humboldt Broncos organization is thankful that this legal matter has been resolved and that Mr. Sidhu is being held to account for his careless actions on April 6, 2018.  As was stated before, it is appreciated that Mr. Sidhu took responsibility for his actions and that he spared the survivors, families and the community from reliving this tragedy during a trial.  

Humboldt Broncos President Jamie Brockman says: “This past year has been extremely difficult. Having this legal matter settled and the sentencing complete is a big step in the healing process for the survivors, grieving families, our organization and the community of Humboldt and surrounding area. The sentence is subject to varying opinions but what is important is that Mr. Sidhu plead guilty, has shown remorse and has remained accountable for his careless actions.”

The Humboldt Broncos wish to thank all whom have supported the organization, and everyone affected.

Guest: Sarah Komadina

Global News Reporter in Melfort, Saskatchewan


Chapter 3

B.C.-developed robot simulates moms to reduce premature babies’ pain


Specialized hospital units that deal with the sickest newborn babies could soon have a new tool in their toolbox.

A group of British Columbia researchers has developed a new robot that could help soothe and comfort premature babies at BC Women’s Hospital.

Guest: Dr Liisa Holsti

Canada research chair in neonatal health and development and an occupational therapist with BC Women’s Hospital


Chapter 4

What factors did the judge consider when deciding to sentence the Humboldt driver to eight years in prison?

The Crown prosecutor argued that the truck driver who caused the deadly Humboldt Broncos crash should serve 10 years in prison.

In the end, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu of Calgary received an eight-year prison sentence. He pleaded guilty to 29 counts of dangerous driving. The court in Melfort, Saskatchewan heard he blew through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey team's bus in rural Saskatchewan last April.

16 people died and 13 were injured.

We wanted to learn more about the factors the judge had to consider when deciding to sentence the Humboldt driver to eight years in prison.

Guest: Jennifer Quaid

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa


Chapter 5

My first impressions of Costco: a newcomer to Vancouver visits the store for the first time

Show Producer Alan Regan first moved to Vancouver almost five years ago, and ticked most things off his bucket list in that time, but one thing remained: a trip to Costco.

A few weeks back, he went to the Costco in Downtown Vancouver.

Guest: Alan Regan

Simi Sara Show producer


Chapter 6

Chinese importers have stopped buying Canadian canola seed, according to an industry group

There’s a potentially big hit to the pocketbooks of western Canadian farmers, just weeks away from spring seeding.

Canola seed exporters have told the Canola Council of Canada that Chinese importers are currently unwilling to purchase their product.

The reports come weeks after China's foreign ministry blocked imports from one of Canada's largest grain producers, Richardson International, citing fears of insect infestation.

At the time, some suggested the move was retaliation for Canada's arrest of a top Chinese tech executive.

Speaking with reporters in Ontario about an hour ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau struck a note of optimism saying he believes he can "work out" issues with China over canola imports.

Guest: Brian Innes

Vice President of Public Affairs at the Canola Council of Canada

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: The 300 residents in the village of Port Clements on Haida Gwaii now have cellphone service for the first time ever.

So today we’re asking: has your cellphone been a welcome or unwelcome presence in your life?

Welcome, I love it!
Unwelcome, too invasive.


Chapter 2

Driver of semi involved in Humboldt crash sentenced to eight years in prison

The Humboldt Broncos has released a statement. In it, they say:

The Humboldt Broncos organization is thankful that this legal matter has been resolved and that Mr. Sidhu is being held to account for his careless actions on April 6, 2018.  As was stated before, it is appreciated that Mr. Sidhu took responsibility for his actions and that he spared the survivors, families and the community from reliving this tragedy during a trial.  

Humboldt Broncos President Jamie Brockman says: “This past year has been extremely difficult. Having this legal matter settled and the sentencing complete is a big step in the healing process for the survivors, grieving families, our organization and the community of Humboldt and surrounding area. The sentence is subject to varying opinions but what is important is that Mr. Sidhu plead guilty, has shown remorse and has remained accountable for his careless actions.”

The Humboldt Broncos wish to thank all whom have supported the organization, and everyone affected.

Guest: Sarah Komadina

Global News Reporter in Melfort, Saskatchewan


Chapter 3

B.C.-developed robot simulates moms to reduce premature babies’ pain


Specialized hospital units that deal with the sickest newborn babies could soon have a new tool in their toolbox.

A group of British Columbia researchers has developed a new robot that could help soothe and comfort premature babies at BC Women’s Hospital.

Guest: Dr Liisa Holsti

Canada research chair in neonatal health and development and an occupational therapist with BC Women’s Hospital


Chapter 4

What factors did the judge consider when deciding to sentence the Humboldt driver to eight years in prison?

The Crown prosecutor argued that the truck driver who caused the deadly Humboldt Broncos crash should serve 10 years in prison.

In the end, Jaskirat Singh Sidhu of Calgary received an eight-year prison sentence. He pleaded guilty to 29 counts of dangerous driving. The court in Melfort, Saskatchewan heard he blew through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey team's bus in rural Saskatchewan last April.

16 people died and 13 were injured.

We wanted to learn more about the factors the judge had to consider when deciding to sentence the Humboldt driver to eight years in prison.

Guest: Jennifer Quaid

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa


Chapter 5

My first impressions of Costco: a newcomer to Vancouver visits the store for the first time

Show Producer Alan Regan first moved to Vancouver almost five years ago, and ticked most things off his bucket list in that time, but one thing remained: a trip to Costco.

A few weeks back, he went to the Costco in Downtown Vancouver.

Guest: Alan Regan

Simi Sara Show producer


Chapter 6

Chinese importers have stopped buying Canadian canola seed, according to an industry group

There’s a potentially big hit to the pocketbooks of western Canadian farmers, just weeks away from spring seeding.

Canola seed exporters have told the Canola Council of Canada that Chinese importers are currently unwilling to purchase their product.

The reports come weeks after China's foreign ministry blocked imports from one of Canada's largest grain producers, Richardson International, citing fears of insect infestation.

At the time, some suggested the move was retaliation for Canada's arrest of a top Chinese tech executive.

Speaking with reporters in Ontario about an hour ago, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau struck a note of optimism saying he believes he can "work out" issues with China over canola imports.

Guest: Brian Innes

Vice President of Public Affairs at the Canola Council of Canada