Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: in the wake of online abuse received by Team Canada following their #WorldJuniors exit, @MikeSmythNews wants to know if social media users should be required to confirm their true identity before they post?

Yes. Ban those trolls!

No. Anonymity's important


Chapter 2

Team Canada's captain received death threats following their World Juniors exit

Hockey Canada CEO Tom Renney is speaking out after online bullies targeted Team Canada Captain Maxime Comtois’ social media accounts after the team's loss to Finland in the World Juniors. In an exclusive interview with Global News’ Janet Brown, Renney that it’s unfortunate, but the organization works to help the young players deal with the potential negative repercussions of social media.

To try to understand better why this happens, Niki Reitmayer spoke with Jesse Miller of Mediated Reality - a local company that teaches adults and youth about online conduct. Why do we see so much vitriol online?

Guest:  Wayne MacKay

Professor emeritus at the Schulich (SHOE-LICK) School of Law at Dalhousie University Chair of the Nova Scotia Task Force on Cyberbullying, and authored the task force’s report


Chapter 3

13 Canadians detained in China since Meng arrest

The head of a delegation of Canadian parliamentarians heading to China this weekend says the detainment of two Canadians is not on the agenda for discussion with Chinese officials. Senator Joseph Day was speaking to Global News before boarding a plane to Shanghai this morning.

The prime minister and the foreign affairs minister have been calling for the immediate release of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, who were detained in December over national security concerns but have not been charged.

Guest: Joanna Chiu

Assistant managing editor of StarMetro Vancouver, and friend of Michael Kovrig


Chapter 4

2019 will be a big year for BC’s craft brewers

Last year was a big year for our award-winning local craft breweries, and 2019 is set to be another big one with lots of

Guest: Ken Beattie

Executive Director of the BC Craft Brewers Guild


Chapter 5

Head of Canadian delegation travelling to China urges caution in calling for detained Canadians' release

The Liberal senator leading the Canadian parliamentary delegation travelling to China says his group will tread carefully in calling for the release of the two detained Canadians in that country.  Senator Joseph Day says his group doesn't want to do anything to harm the welfare of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

Kovrig and Spavor have each had only one visit by the Canadian ambassador in China since being arrested last month in apparent retaliation for Canada's arrest of high-tech executive Meng Wanzhou (MUNG wan-JOH') at the request of the United States.

Guest: Charles Burton

Brock University Professor, and two time former Canadian diplomat in China

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: in the wake of online abuse received by Team Canada following their #WorldJuniors exit, @MikeSmythNews wants to know if social media users should be required to confirm their true identity before they post?

Yes. Ban those trolls!
No. Anonymity's important


Chapter 2

Team Canada's captain received death threats following their World Juniors exit

Hockey Canada CEO Tom Renney is speaking out after online bullies targeted Team Canada Captain Maxime Comtois’ social media accounts after the team's loss to Finland in the World Juniors. In an exclusive interview with Global News’ Janet Brown, Renney that it’s unfortunate, but the organization works to help the young players deal with the potential negative repercussions of social media.

To try to understand better why this happens, Niki Reitmayer spoke with Jesse Miller of Mediated Reality - a local company that teaches adults and youth about online conduct. Why do we see so much vitriol online?

Guest:  Wayne MacKay

Professor emeritus at the Schulich (SHOE-LICK) School of Law at Dalhousie University Chair of the Nova Scotia Task Force on Cyberbullying, and authored the task force’s report


Chapter 3

13 Canadians detained in China since Meng arrest

The head of a delegation of Canadian parliamentarians heading to China this weekend says the detainment of two Canadians is not on the agenda for discussion with Chinese officials. Senator Joseph Day was speaking to Global News before boarding a plane to Shanghai this morning.

The prime minister and the foreign affairs minister have been calling for the immediate release of Michael Spavor and Michael Kovrig, who were detained in December over national security concerns but have not been charged.

Guest: Joanna Chiu

Assistant managing editor of StarMetro Vancouver, and friend of Michael Kovrig


Chapter 4

2019 will be a big year for BC’s craft brewers

Last year was a big year for our award-winning local craft breweries, and 2019 is set to be another big one with lots of

Guest: Ken Beattie

Executive Director of the BC Craft Brewers Guild


Chapter 5

Head of Canadian delegation travelling to China urges caution in calling for detained Canadians' release

The Liberal senator leading the Canadian parliamentary delegation travelling to China says his group will tread carefully in calling for the release of the two detained Canadians in that country.  Senator Joseph Day says his group doesn't want to do anything to harm the welfare of Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor.

Kovrig and Spavor have each had only one visit by the Canadian ambassador in China since being arrested last month in apparent retaliation for Canada's arrest of high-tech executive Meng Wanzhou (MUNG wan-JOH') at the request of the United States.

Guest: Charles Burton

Brock University Professor, and two time former Canadian diplomat in China