Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: as the cost of gas soars to another record high in Metro Vancouver today ($1.699 per litre), do you think it will exceed $1.70 by the long weekend?

Yes, seems inevitable.

No, I’m an optimist!


Chapter 2

More than 10,000 Canadians died from opioid overdoses in less than 3 years: PHAC

A new report by the Public Health Agency of Canada is revealing some grim outcomes of the country’s opioid crisis.

The report says that over 10-thousand people have died from opioid overdoses in the last three years.

In the first nine months of last year alone, 3,286 Canadians died because of this - almost 1,200 of them were in BC - more than any other province in Canada.

The Public Health Agency of Canada says this data shows fentanyl and other fentanyl-related substances continue to be a major driver of this crisis.

Today, there are even more concerns about how patients can be treated. Officials with Vancouver Coastal Health say they've been dealing with an uptick in overdoses over the past few weeks, with the drugs spiked with Benzodiazepines.

And to make matters worse: Naloxone, the antidote given to counter opioid OD's -- doesn't work on Benzodiazepines.

At St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, people are not waking up after being given Naloxone, even though they are still breathing.

Just before we came on air, I spoke with Garth Mullins - you may know him from his podcast - it’s called ‘Crackdown’, and he’s an opioid user who advocates access to opioid addiction treatment like methadone.

Guest: Garth Mullins

Producer of the Crackdown podcast

Opioid user who advocates access to opioid addiction treatment like methadone


Chapter 3

Scheer backs Kenney in Alberta’s provincial election

The leader of the United Conservative Party in Alberta got some federal backing ahead of next Tuesday's provincial election.

Jason Kenney was joined by Federal Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, on a snowy baseball diamond in Calgary for an election rally.

They told supporters that political change for Alberta and the country is in the wind.

Scheer said the first steps to taking down what they called the “Notley-Trudeau alliance” begins in Alberta, by voting out Rachel Notley.

Guest: Ryan Jespersen

Host, 630 CHED


Chapter 4

Do children need vitamin supplements? It may not be necessary

We all know it’s important for children to get enough vitamins in their diet, but do we really need to be giving them supplements to fill in the gaps?

Registered dietitian Desiree Nielsen told the Simi Sara Show that deciding whether or not to give your children vitamin supplements really depends on their own unique needs, with some exceptions.

Guest: Desiree Nielsen

Registered dietitian


Chapter 5

Vancouver Park Board Commissioner plans to review use of golf courses

It seems as though golfing greens in Vancouver may be running their course.

Park board commissioner Dave Demers has added a motion on next Monday’s agenda meeting to “evaluate the realized and unrealized benefits of park board land currently used for golf”. The motion points out that usage of golf land has been declining at the three 18-hole courses owned by the Vancouver Park Board. The courses take up about 15 percent of all land under park board jurisdiction.

Demers doesn’t want to speculate on what kinds of alternate uses could be considered for some of the city-owned land currently occupied by golf courses, but he emphasizes that it should be used only for park-and-recreation uses, and not converted to other purposes like housing.

Guest: Dave Demers

Vice Chair of the Vancouver Park Board


Chapter 6

The new series of Game of Thrones premieres on Sunday

Game of Thrones fans who have watched and re-watched all 73 episodes of the HBO series, and who have read and re-read George R.R. Martin's books, will get the ending they’ve been craving in the eighth and final season that starts Sunday.

The show's plotlines have long since shot past what's in Martin's books.

The show premiered in 2011, the same year Martin's fifth book was released.

Fans are still waiting for book six and many wonder whether the 70-year-old author will live long enough to finish all seven planned books in the series.

Guest: Rick Forchuk

TV and movie blogger at Rick’s Picks


Chapter 7

VCH officials say opioid overdoses spiked recently, related to toxic additives

Vancouver Coastal Health says that Fentanyl is being mixed with other drugs that make it more deadly.

VCH Addiction program director Keith Ahamad says that there has been an uptick in overdoses, mainly after users take substances being cut with benzodiazepines. The drug, commonly used in anti-anxiety medication, works the same way that alcohol decreases breathing. The problem is that opioids do that too, in different ways.

Mixing drugs like fentanyl and benzodiazepines is especially harmful. While naloxone might counteract the effects of the opioids, it doesn’t work on the synthetic additives.

Guest: Dr Peter Klakowicz

Family and addiction medicine doctor at St Paul’s Hospital and in the community in Vancouver


Chapter 8

Here’s why newer condo buildings are using more electricity than older ones

Newer doesn't always mean better, it seems, at least according to a BC Hydro report looking at energy use in condos.

In newer high-end condo buildings, the electricity use is almost double what an older one would use.

Guest: Tanya Fish

BC Hydro Spokesperson

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @simisara980's 🔥 question of the day: as the cost of gas soars to another record high in Metro Vancouver today ($1.699 per litre), do you think it will exceed $1.70 by the long weekend?

Yes, seems inevitable.
No, I’m an optimist!


Chapter 2

More than 10,000 Canadians died from opioid overdoses in less than 3 years: PHAC

A new report by the Public Health Agency of Canada is revealing some grim outcomes of the country’s opioid crisis.

The report says that over 10-thousand people have died from opioid overdoses in the last three years.

In the first nine months of last year alone, 3,286 Canadians died because of this - almost 1,200 of them were in BC - more than any other province in Canada.

The Public Health Agency of Canada says this data shows fentanyl and other fentanyl-related substances continue to be a major driver of this crisis.

Today, there are even more concerns about how patients can be treated. Officials with Vancouver Coastal Health say they've been dealing with an uptick in overdoses over the past few weeks, with the drugs spiked with Benzodiazepines.

And to make matters worse: Naloxone, the antidote given to counter opioid OD's -- doesn't work on Benzodiazepines.

At St. Paul's Hospital in Vancouver, people are not waking up after being given Naloxone, even though they are still breathing.

Just before we came on air, I spoke with Garth Mullins - you may know him from his podcast - it’s called ‘Crackdown’, and he’s an opioid user who advocates access to opioid addiction treatment like methadone.

Guest: Garth Mullins

Producer of the Crackdown podcast

Opioid user who advocates access to opioid addiction treatment like methadone


Chapter 3

Scheer backs Kenney in Alberta’s provincial election

The leader of the United Conservative Party in Alberta got some federal backing ahead of next Tuesday's provincial election.

Jason Kenney was joined by Federal Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, on a snowy baseball diamond in Calgary for an election rally.

They told supporters that political change for Alberta and the country is in the wind.

Scheer said the first steps to taking down what they called the “Notley-Trudeau alliance” begins in Alberta, by voting out Rachel Notley.

Guest: Ryan Jespersen

Host, 630 CHED


Chapter 4

Do children need vitamin supplements? It may not be necessary

We all know it’s important for children to get enough vitamins in their diet, but do we really need to be giving them supplements to fill in the gaps?

Registered dietitian Desiree Nielsen told the Simi Sara Show that deciding whether or not to give your children vitamin supplements really depends on their own unique needs, with some exceptions.

Guest: Desiree Nielsen

Registered dietitian


Chapter 5

Vancouver Park Board Commissioner plans to review use of golf courses

It seems as though golfing greens in Vancouver may be running their course.

Park board commissioner Dave Demers has added a motion on next Monday’s agenda meeting to “evaluate the realized and unrealized benefits of park board land currently used for golf”. The motion points out that usage of golf land has been declining at the three 18-hole courses owned by the Vancouver Park Board. The courses take up about 15 percent of all land under park board jurisdiction.

Demers doesn’t want to speculate on what kinds of alternate uses could be considered for some of the city-owned land currently occupied by golf courses, but he emphasizes that it should be used only for park-and-recreation uses, and not converted to other purposes like housing.

Guest: Dave Demers

Vice Chair of the Vancouver Park Board


Chapter 6

The new series of Game of Thrones premieres on Sunday

Game of Thrones fans who have watched and re-watched all 73 episodes of the HBO series, and who have read and re-read George R.R. Martin's books, will get the ending they’ve been craving in the eighth and final season that starts Sunday.

The show's plotlines have long since shot past what's in Martin's books.

The show premiered in 2011, the same year Martin's fifth book was released.

Fans are still waiting for book six and many wonder whether the 70-year-old author will live long enough to finish all seven planned books in the series.

Guest: Rick Forchuk

TV and movie blogger at Rick’s Picks


Chapter 7

VCH officials say opioid overdoses spiked recently, related to toxic additives

Vancouver Coastal Health says that Fentanyl is being mixed with other drugs that make it more deadly.

VCH Addiction program director Keith Ahamad says that there has been an uptick in overdoses, mainly after users take substances being cut with benzodiazepines. The drug, commonly used in anti-anxiety medication, works the same way that alcohol decreases breathing. The problem is that opioids do that too, in different ways.

Mixing drugs like fentanyl and benzodiazepines is especially harmful. While naloxone might counteract the effects of the opioids, it doesn’t work on the synthetic additives.

Guest: Dr Peter Klakowicz

Family and addiction medicine doctor at St Paul’s Hospital and in the community in Vancouver


Chapter 8

Here’s why newer condo buildings are using more electricity than older ones

Newer doesn't always mean better, it seems, at least according to a BC Hydro report looking at energy use in condos.

In newer high-end condo buildings, the electricity use is almost double what an older one would use.

Guest: Tanya Fish

BC Hydro Spokesperson