Surrey councillor Doug Elford says he was the recent victim of crime. His Newton home was broken into while he, his wife, and their son were asleep.

Elford says it happened a few weeks ago. He awoke at 4am to a noise, thinking it was his son but when he got to the top of the stairs, he saw a burglar run out the front door.

He says nothing was taken. Then just last week thieves struck his house again, this time taking Christmas decorations from outside.

Elford says it all just reinforces his belief that moving to a civic police force is a good move. He says he wants to see Surrey become a safer, more live-able community and he believes a civic police force will do that. 


Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter

Surrey councillor Doug Elford says he was the recent victim of crime. His Newton home was broken into while he, his wife, and their son were asleep.

Elford says it happened a few weeks ago. He awoke at 4am to a noise, thinking it was his son but when he got to the top of the stairs, he saw a burglar run out the front door.

He says nothing was taken. Then just last week thieves struck his house again, this time taking Christmas decorations from outside.

Elford says it all just reinforces his belief that moving to a civic police force is a good move. He says he wants to see Surrey become a safer, more live-able community and he believes a civic police force will do that. 


Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter