Surrey City councilor, Doug Elford, says he doesn't expect Surrey taxpayers will be consulted again on the issue, even though it will cost taxpayers more to make the move.

A report by Surrey's General Manager of Policing Transition is expected to go to the Provincial government in the next 4 to 6 weeks, as Solicitor General Mike Farnworth needs to approve the move by Surrey away from the RCMP.

Elford says the report will go to Council's Public Safety Committee, but that committee meets behind-closed-doors, in-camera.

In light of what Elford says, city councillor Linda Annis is calling for 'full disclosure' BEFORE the report goes to Victoria.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter

Surrey City councilor, Doug Elford, says he doesn't expect Surrey taxpayers will be consulted again on the issue, even though it will cost taxpayers more to make the move.

A report by Surrey's General Manager of Policing Transition is expected to go to the Provincial government in the next 4 to 6 weeks, as Solicitor General Mike Farnworth needs to approve the move by Surrey away from the RCMP.

Elford says the report will go to Council's Public Safety Committee, but that committee meets behind-closed-doors, in-camera.

In light of what Elford says, city councillor Linda Annis is calling for 'full disclosure' BEFORE the report goes to Victoria.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter