Remember last week when the Surrey Christmas Bureau had all those gift cards and equipment stolen - about $10,000 worth? And when this moment of magic happened on the Simi Sara Show?

Well, we just got a call from our receptionist here at CKNW - to tell us someone had come down to our offices to pick up the cheque! And it’s the other voice you heard in that clip: Lisa Werring, the Executive Director of the Surrey Christmas Bureau.


Guest: Lisa Werring

Executive Director of the Surrey Christmas Bureau

Remember last week when the Surrey Christmas Bureau had all those gift cards and equipment stolen - about $10,000 worth? And when this moment of magic happened on the Simi Sara Show?

Well, we just got a call from our receptionist here at CKNW - to tell us someone had come down to our offices to pick up the cheque! And it’s the other voice you heard in that clip: Lisa Werring, the Executive Director of the Surrey Christmas Bureau.


Guest: Lisa Werring

Executive Director of the Surrey Christmas Bureau