It’s the final day of Space Week here on the Simi Sara Show… and as the world commemorates the anniversary of the  Apollo 11 moon landing, it's being remembered as an achievement that pushed the limits of technology and broke the limits of our imagination.

In reaching the moon -- 50 years ago tomorrow -- Nasa created a legacy of inspiration that's still being felt today.

All this week, Global’s Mike Armstrong's been looking at Canada’s contribution to the moon landing.

Well, there’s a bit of a twist on the show today.

Today's story looks instead at what Apollo 11 meant to the men and women who would become Canada's astronauts.

It’s the final day of Space Week here on the Simi Sara Show… and as the world commemorates the anniversary of the  Apollo 11 moon landing, it's being remembered as an achievement that pushed the limits of technology and broke the limits of our imagination.

In reaching the moon -- 50 years ago tomorrow -- Nasa created a legacy of inspiration that's still being felt today.

All this week, Global’s Mike Armstrong's been looking at Canada’s contribution to the moon landing.

Well, there’s a bit of a twist on the show today.

Today's story looks instead at what Apollo 11 meant to the men and women who would become Canada's astronauts.