Many idigenous groups that will be impacted by both the Kinder Morgan and Coastal Gaslink pipelines support the two pipelines as a way of alleviating poverty on their reserves. A bid by indigenous group Project Reconciliation to buy 51% of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline, outlines planes to direct 20 per cent of Trans Mountain’s estimated $180 million in future annual cash flow to shareholder communities while the rest would be used to create a sovereign wealth fund.


Guest: Shane Gottfriedson

B.C. Director of Project Reconciliation, and former Tk'emlups chief.

Many idigenous groups that will be impacted by both the Kinder Morgan and Coastal Gaslink pipelines support the two pipelines as a way of alleviating poverty on their reserves. A bid by indigenous group Project Reconciliation to buy 51% of the Kinder Morgan Pipeline, outlines planes to direct 20 per cent of Trans Mountain’s estimated $180 million in future annual cash flow to shareholder communities while the rest would be used to create a sovereign wealth fund.


Guest: Shane Gottfriedson

B.C. Director of Project Reconciliation, and former Tk'emlups chief.