It's the morning after winning the Burnaby South by-election, and now NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has to address the issue of declining popularity of his party. Just this morning, an Angus Reid Institute survey has the NDP with just 14%, less than half of the Conservatives or Liberals, and 64% of respondents have unfavorable opinions of Singh. While on the CKNW Jon McComb Show this morning, Singh discussed the plans he has to address Canadian’s concerns.

Guest: Alise Mills

Senior Associate at Sussex Strategy

Guest: Maria Dobrinskaya

BC Director, Broadbent Institute, Former co-chair of Vision Vancouver

It's the morning after winning the Burnaby South by-election, and now NDP leader Jagmeet Singh has to address the issue of declining popularity of his party. Just this morning, an Angus Reid Institute survey has the NDP with just 14%, less than half of the Conservatives or Liberals, and 64% of respondents have unfavorable opinions of Singh. While on the CKNW Jon McComb Show this morning, Singh discussed the plans he has to address Canadian’s concerns.

Guest: Alise Mills

Senior Associate at Sussex Strategy

Guest: Maria Dobrinskaya

BC Director, Broadbent Institute, Former co-chair of Vision Vancouver