Today we bring you a story that has both a winner and a loser. 

The loser is a young drunk man named, Caleb

The winner is Pepper, a donkey 

Caleb was filmed by friends in a sick Jackass-style prank climbing a fence at a farm in California in the middle of the night and threatening to attack Pepper the donkey. 

But before he could make good on his drunken boast, he slipped and fell head-first into the pen and was quickly set upon by the angry beast – which began biting and stamping on him.

Today we bring you a story that has both a winner and a loser. 

The loser is a young drunk man named, Caleb
The winner is Pepper, a donkey 
Caleb was filmed by friends in a sick Jackass-style prank climbing a fence at a farm in California in the middle of the night and threatening to attack Pepper the donkey. 
But before he could make good on his drunken boast, he slipped and fell head-first into the pen and was quickly set upon by the angry beast – which began biting and stamping on him.