
A poacher in Oklahoma

What started out as a potential love match turned out to be a bust, literally.

An Oklahoma woman went on a dating website and started a chat with a game warden, though she didn't know his profession at the time. The woman shared with the warden that she was excited about illegally shooting a ``big old buck'' during a hunting outing.

That got the attention of Oklahoma Game Warden Cannon Harrison - because the woman admitted using a spotlight to shoot the dear at night - and used a rifle outside the season where rifles can be used to hunt deer.

What's more, the woman only harvested the head and back-strap meat - a no-no. And when the warden asked, she sent along pictures of her with her illegally obtained prey.

The woman - who wasn't identified - has pleaded guilty to charges of improper possession of an illegally taken animal and taking game out-of-season. She and an accomplice face $2,400 fines.



Bandit the 2 ½ year old tabby cat

People say cats have nine lives. But in the case of one cat near Detroit, it used one of those lives to do some serious travelling.

A woman in the city of Dearborn in MICHIGAN called Judy Sanborn, says her cat went missing two months ago, and she had no idea where it turned up. That is, until she got a call from a pet hospital in the city of Tampa, in FLORIDA.

That’s over 1,800 kilometres away.

Reporter Andrea Isom from CBS affiliate, WXYZ, spoke to Judy, and Curtis Krueger from the veterinary clinic in Tampa.

It's unclear how Bandit made the trip from Michigan to Florida. His owner guesses he hitched a ride on a moving vehicle, or was found by someone in Michigan on their way to Florida.



A poacher in Oklahoma

What started out as a potential love match turned out to be a bust, literally.
An Oklahoma woman went on a dating website and started a chat with a game warden, though she didn't know his profession at the time. The woman shared with the warden that she was excited about illegally shooting a ``big old buck'' during a hunting outing.
That got the attention of Oklahoma Game Warden Cannon Harrison - because the woman admitted using a spotlight to shoot the dear at night - and used a rifle outside the season where rifles can be used to hunt deer.
What's more, the woman only harvested the head and back-strap meat - a no-no. And when the warden asked, she sent along pictures of her with her illegally obtained prey.
The woman - who wasn't identified - has pleaded guilty to charges of improper possession of an illegally taken animal and taking game out-of-season. She and an accomplice face $2,400 fines.



Bandit the 2 ½ year old tabby cat

People say cats have nine lives. But in the case of one cat near Detroit, it used one of those lives to do some serious travelling.
A woman in the city of Dearborn in MICHIGAN called Judy Sanborn, says her cat went missing two months ago, and she had no idea where it turned up. That is, until she got a call from a pet hospital in the city of Tampa, in FLORIDA.
That’s over 1,800 kilometres away.
Reporter Andrea Isom from CBS affiliate, WXYZ, spoke to Judy, and Curtis Krueger from the veterinary clinic in Tampa.

It's unclear how Bandit made the trip from Michigan to Florida. His owner guesses he hitched a ride on a moving vehicle, or was found by someone in Michigan on their way to Florida.