Westbank’s ‘Spinning Chandelier’ is continuing to create controversy. In an op-ed in the Star Metro Vancouver, Melody Ma writes about the rules surrounding public art that is funded by real estate developers. Citing Westbank’s most recent installation, Ma writes that she feels that the city should create a committee that would work to approve the developer funded public art. Ma feels oversight from the city would ensure the art reflects surrounding community. 


Guest: Melody Ma 

Neighbourhood advocate

Guest: Claire Allen

Simi Sara Show Contributor

Westbank’s ‘Spinning Chandelier’ is continuing to create controversy. In an op-ed in the Star Metro Vancouver, Melody Ma writes about the rules surrounding public art that is funded by real estate developers. Citing Westbank’s most recent installation, Ma writes that she feels that the city should create a committee that would work to approve the developer funded public art. Ma feels oversight from the city would ensure the art reflects surrounding community. 


Guest: Melody Ma 

Neighbourhood advocate

Guest: Claire Allen

Simi Sara Show Contributor