When the BC Legislature is in session, that’s how Speaker Darryl Plecas begins the proceedings every day: with an invitation to prayer.

And it’s that prayer that has the B.C. Humanist Association calling on members of the public to write to their MLA - because they say the practice is outdated and doesn’t reflect society’s values in 2019.

Here’s an example of the kind of prayers that they’re objecting to.

Just before we came on air today I spoke to Ian Bushfield. He’s the Executive Director of the B.C. Humanist Association. He told me why they’re looking to get these prayers scrapped.


Guest: Ian Bushfield

Executive Director of the B.C. Humanist Association 

When the BC Legislature is in session, that’s how Speaker Darryl Plecas begins the proceedings every day: with an invitation to prayer.

And it’s that prayer that has the B.C. Humanist Association calling on members of the public to write to their MLA - because they say the practice is outdated and doesn’t reflect society’s values in 2019.

Here’s an example of the kind of prayers that they’re objecting to.

Just before we came on air today I spoke to Ian Bushfield. He’s the Executive Director of the B.C. Humanist Association. He told me why they’re looking to get these prayers scrapped.


Guest: Ian Bushfield

Executive Director of the B.C. Humanist Association