Around this time yesterday, I spoke with Susan Stokhof, the “bicycle mayor” of Victoria. During the interview, Stokhof said that she thinks that helmets should not be mandatory. Here’s what she told me.

That sparked a LOT of conversation on our buzzline, by email, and on Twitter. Plenty of comments agreeing with Stokhof but most people who made contact with us were not in agreement.

Guest: Dr Shelina Babul

Spokesperson, The Community Against Preventable Injuries

Around this time yesterday, I spoke with Susan Stokhof, the “bicycle mayor” of Victoria. During the interview, Stokhof said that she thinks that helmets should not be mandatory. Here’s what she told me.

That sparked a LOT of conversation on our buzzline, by email, and on Twitter. Plenty of comments agreeing with Stokhof but most people who made contact with us were not in agreement.

Guest: Dr Shelina Babul

Spokesperson, The Community Against Preventable Injuries