Newfoundland and Labrador has announced it will become the second province to ban the distribution of plastic bags.

The provincial government introduced legislation on Tuesday allowing it to ban their use at stores and other retail outlets.

It says the ban won’t take effect for between six and 12 months, to give consumers time to get in the habit of bringing reusable bags.

Greenpeace Canada says Canadians generate about 3.25-million-tonnes of plastic garbage each year, or enough to fill 140-thousand garbage trucks.  

Guest: Harvinder Aujala

Director of Policy & Communications for the Recycling Council of British Columbia

Newfoundland and Labrador has announced it will become the second province to ban the distribution of plastic bags.

The provincial government introduced legislation on Tuesday allowing it to ban their use at stores and other retail outlets.

It says the ban won’t take effect for between six and 12 months, to give consumers time to get in the habit of bringing reusable bags.

Greenpeace Canada says Canadians generate about 3.25-million-tonnes of plastic garbage each year, or enough to fill 140-thousand garbage trucks.  

Guest: Harvinder Aujala

Director of Policy & Communications for the Recycling Council of British Columbia