Today on Science With Simi, it’s the youngest guest we’ve ever had since we started doing this segment.

She’s 13. And her research was published earlier this year in Canada's biggest peer-reviewed journal about pediatrics.

And it’s to do with hand dryers. Nora Keegan from Calgary has found that the volume of them is damaging to children’s ears. She’s been studying this since she was just nine. 

I had a chance to catch up with her just before we came on air. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Nora Keegan

Author of study connecting hand dryer volume and hearing loss in children

Today on Science With Simi, it’s the youngest guest we’ve ever had since we started doing this segment.

She’s 13. And her research was published earlier this year in Canada's biggest peer-reviewed journal about pediatrics.

And it’s to do with hand dryers. Nora Keegan from Calgary has found that the volume of them is damaging to children’s ears. She’s been studying this since she was just nine. 

I had a chance to catch up with her just before we came on air. Here’s our conversation.

Guest: Nora Keegan

Author of study connecting hand dryer volume and hearing loss in children